Oldham riots, newly released footage shows the truth
Oliver Litvinov | 05.11.2003 00:08
Newly released footage shows NO white people involved in the actual rioting and destroys the arguments put forward by the ANL that the BNP were to blame. Watch the footage yourself, it is from the police force. This post is important for everyone concerned with the *truth*.
BNP Support in the Police
Flunkett, 04.11.2003 23:30
Politically Correct police chiefs in Oldham threw a fit when one of their officers handed the British National Party a videotape of CCTV and police helicopter video and infra-red footage of the Oldham riots.
BNP Support in the Police - More Shocks for Blunkett!
Politically Correct police chiefs in Oldham threw a fit when one of their officers handed the British National Party a videotape of CCTV and police helicopter video and infra-red footage of the Oldham riots.
Oldham BNP Organiser Mick Treacy, and BNP National Chairman, Nick Griffin, were subsequently filmed by the party's video team commenting on the footage, and the resulting BNP/police video was widely circulated in the town. The key BNP message was that the footage showed how hours of 'softly, softly' policing decisions were the main immediate cause of the riot, as trouble which could have been nipped in the bud by resolute action by a small number of officers was allowed to grow over a period of hours until the escalating violence forced the officers in charge to order their men to start making arrests.
Among the footage are scenes showing Asian rioters firing handguns and barrages of fireworks at police lines, attacks on passing cars with white drivers, the deliberate destruction of CCTV cameras by the mob, and a police informer throwing petrol bombs at officers.
Within days of the BNP releasing the video, Oldham police obtained a High Court injunction to prevent our distributing any more, and even to ban us from reporting on the existence of the video and the legal action against us.
Some stills from the video are now online.
Video Clip 1:
(Introduction by the BNP)
Video Clip 2:
(Footage straight from Greater Manchester Police)
*Please note the high quality of the streaming means that this is suitable only for those with a Broadband connection.
The excuse given was that the distribution of the video could prejudice the trials arising from the riots - not in fact a justifiable reason given that any jurors should have been shown the same footage in the course of their deliberations anyway. Or was the idea to suppress the tape entirely, so that jurors would believe the politically correct fiction created by senior officers in Greater Manchester and Oldham that the riots were the responsibility of the small group of white victims of anti-white racist violence whose actions of self-defence led to them being turned into scapegoats and jailed in order to appease the 'minority' community who in fact were solely responsible for the multi-million pound riots?
Since the reason given for the injunction was the riot trials, however, the police were unable to sustain it once the trials ended. As a result, we are now free once again to release the video. The quality of the original footage - mainly shot at night - is poor, but, even so, it exposes the shocking way in which Politically Correct policing decisions by the Top Brass helped turn a minor incident into one of the worst race riots in British history, and left rank-and-file officers to face potentially deadly danger without the power or the equipment to respond effectively.
No wonder that more and more decent police officers - like the one who passed us this tape - are giving up on their overpaid careerist 'superiors' and quietly turning to the BNP!
Who Killed Stephen Lawrence? WATCH THIS SPACE!
Meanwhile, in London's Metropolitan Police, BNP members in several stations have reported independently to us that there is increasing canteen gossip to the effect that the authorities know precisely who killed Stephen Lawrence - and that the murderer is Black, was named in the MacPherson Report and is now in jail for the attempted murder of several police officers in an incident in South London not long after it was released.. Some fearless investigative journalist (ha, ha!) might even like to do the bit of digging needed to link the suspect to the murder weapon.
The story is that the Top Brass knows all about this, but dare not pursue the matter in order to get justice for the Lawrence family because too many careers have already been made by the Politically Correct toadies who have climbed the promotion ladder in the wake of the ridiculous and much-resented thesis of 'institutionalised racism.' Others are too scared to speak out for fear of being hounded out by the Blunkett-backed PC mafia which now dominates what was once a fine, impartial and truly independent police force.
While our own research team is following up these leads, we cannot at present say whether the story holds water or whether it's a canteen myth, although even if it is just the latter its prevalence is a symptom of the deepening gulf between the handsomely paid desk top warriors and the ordinary bobbies who are still struggling to hold back a tide of crime and contempt for an authority which seems to revel in self-flagellation. All comments from serving or recently retired officers will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Revelations such as these are sure to fuel David Blunkett's desire for a witch hunt against BNP members and supporters in the police force, and in other traditionally patriotic and commonsense-filled professions such as prison officers and the armed forces. Our advice to all such people is this: Ignore the bluster; keep on doing your jobs without fear or favour (as the only party opposed to the anti-British discrimination which is now institutionalised throughout the country our members are in fact more genuinely committed to fair and equal treatment for all than anybody else), and rest assured that if Blunkett finds someone to pick on, we'll take him all the way to the European Court.
New Labour signed us up to the European Human Rights Convention, so they have only themselves to blame when they are hoist by their own petard and find that their totalitarian, bullying fantasies are henceforth going to be dashed in the courts.
The public - quite rightly - are not in the least bit interested in the political opinions of ordinary police officers. What every taxpayer in Britain wants is to see officers on the streets, catching thugs and burglars, not sat in expensive lectures being brainwashed about the wonders of 'diversity'.
We in the BNP are appalled at certain Liberal Democrat policies, particularly their soft line on drugs and proposals to stop sending burglars to prison, but we would not presume to question the suitability of LibDem members or supporters to serve in the police force. No Government has the right to pry into the political opinions of public servants, and any journalist who thinks that this is true in general, but that an exception should be made for the wicked BNP should remember the words of Pastor Niemoeller: "First they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Jew .. And then they came for me, and there was nobody left to speak out for me."
Flunkett, 04.11.2003 23:30
Politically Correct police chiefs in Oldham threw a fit when one of their officers handed the British National Party a videotape of CCTV and police helicopter video and infra-red footage of the Oldham riots.
BNP Support in the Police - More Shocks for Blunkett!
Politically Correct police chiefs in Oldham threw a fit when one of their officers handed the British National Party a videotape of CCTV and police helicopter video and infra-red footage of the Oldham riots.
Oldham BNP Organiser Mick Treacy, and BNP National Chairman, Nick Griffin, were subsequently filmed by the party's video team commenting on the footage, and the resulting BNP/police video was widely circulated in the town. The key BNP message was that the footage showed how hours of 'softly, softly' policing decisions were the main immediate cause of the riot, as trouble which could have been nipped in the bud by resolute action by a small number of officers was allowed to grow over a period of hours until the escalating violence forced the officers in charge to order their men to start making arrests.
Among the footage are scenes showing Asian rioters firing handguns and barrages of fireworks at police lines, attacks on passing cars with white drivers, the deliberate destruction of CCTV cameras by the mob, and a police informer throwing petrol bombs at officers.
Within days of the BNP releasing the video, Oldham police obtained a High Court injunction to prevent our distributing any more, and even to ban us from reporting on the existence of the video and the legal action against us.
Some stills from the video are now online.

Video Clip 1:

(Introduction by the BNP)
Video Clip 2:

(Footage straight from Greater Manchester Police)
*Please note the high quality of the streaming means that this is suitable only for those with a Broadband connection.
The excuse given was that the distribution of the video could prejudice the trials arising from the riots - not in fact a justifiable reason given that any jurors should have been shown the same footage in the course of their deliberations anyway. Or was the idea to suppress the tape entirely, so that jurors would believe the politically correct fiction created by senior officers in Greater Manchester and Oldham that the riots were the responsibility of the small group of white victims of anti-white racist violence whose actions of self-defence led to them being turned into scapegoats and jailed in order to appease the 'minority' community who in fact were solely responsible for the multi-million pound riots?
Since the reason given for the injunction was the riot trials, however, the police were unable to sustain it once the trials ended. As a result, we are now free once again to release the video. The quality of the original footage - mainly shot at night - is poor, but, even so, it exposes the shocking way in which Politically Correct policing decisions by the Top Brass helped turn a minor incident into one of the worst race riots in British history, and left rank-and-file officers to face potentially deadly danger without the power or the equipment to respond effectively.
No wonder that more and more decent police officers - like the one who passed us this tape - are giving up on their overpaid careerist 'superiors' and quietly turning to the BNP!
Who Killed Stephen Lawrence? WATCH THIS SPACE!
Meanwhile, in London's Metropolitan Police, BNP members in several stations have reported independently to us that there is increasing canteen gossip to the effect that the authorities know precisely who killed Stephen Lawrence - and that the murderer is Black, was named in the MacPherson Report and is now in jail for the attempted murder of several police officers in an incident in South London not long after it was released.. Some fearless investigative journalist (ha, ha!) might even like to do the bit of digging needed to link the suspect to the murder weapon.
The story is that the Top Brass knows all about this, but dare not pursue the matter in order to get justice for the Lawrence family because too many careers have already been made by the Politically Correct toadies who have climbed the promotion ladder in the wake of the ridiculous and much-resented thesis of 'institutionalised racism.' Others are too scared to speak out for fear of being hounded out by the Blunkett-backed PC mafia which now dominates what was once a fine, impartial and truly independent police force.
While our own research team is following up these leads, we cannot at present say whether the story holds water or whether it's a canteen myth, although even if it is just the latter its prevalence is a symptom of the deepening gulf between the handsomely paid desk top warriors and the ordinary bobbies who are still struggling to hold back a tide of crime and contempt for an authority which seems to revel in self-flagellation. All comments from serving or recently retired officers will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Revelations such as these are sure to fuel David Blunkett's desire for a witch hunt against BNP members and supporters in the police force, and in other traditionally patriotic and commonsense-filled professions such as prison officers and the armed forces. Our advice to all such people is this: Ignore the bluster; keep on doing your jobs without fear or favour (as the only party opposed to the anti-British discrimination which is now institutionalised throughout the country our members are in fact more genuinely committed to fair and equal treatment for all than anybody else), and rest assured that if Blunkett finds someone to pick on, we'll take him all the way to the European Court.
New Labour signed us up to the European Human Rights Convention, so they have only themselves to blame when they are hoist by their own petard and find that their totalitarian, bullying fantasies are henceforth going to be dashed in the courts.
The public - quite rightly - are not in the least bit interested in the political opinions of ordinary police officers. What every taxpayer in Britain wants is to see officers on the streets, catching thugs and burglars, not sat in expensive lectures being brainwashed about the wonders of 'diversity'.
We in the BNP are appalled at certain Liberal Democrat policies, particularly their soft line on drugs and proposals to stop sending burglars to prison, but we would not presume to question the suitability of LibDem members or supporters to serve in the police force. No Government has the right to pry into the political opinions of public servants, and any journalist who thinks that this is true in general, but that an exception should be made for the wicked BNP should remember the words of Pastor Niemoeller: "First they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Jew .. And then they came for me, and there was nobody left to speak out for me."
Oliver Litvinov