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Anti-Gap Action

medico | 04.11.2003 13:21 | Cambridge

Anti-Gap action to take place this saturday at 2pm in Market Square, Cambridge.

Protest against the unjust exploitation of labour
through the sweatshop system, employed by clothing
multinationals such as GAP and NIKE.

Meet outside GAP in market square at 2PM on SATURDAY
8TH NOVEMBER for street theatre, leafletting, and
general DISRUPTION of business as usual.



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jobcentres push GAP jobs

04.11.2003 20:14

I noticed my local jobcentre signing-on point are pushing christmas jobs at GAP. Mind you the only other jobs seem to be army ( only apprenticeships left thanks to the Tories - dodgy training ( particularly IT) schemes seem to have been inherited by new labour ).Also Greed employment have permanent residence there. I suppose the last place to look for reasonable employment is a job centre ( whatever renaming and marketing scheme it seems to be under.
