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Shared Planet 2003 in Liverpool!

Ant Ince | 04.11.2003 10:45 | Ecology | Liverpool

On the first weekend in November, Shared Planet, the natinal student activist conference took place at Liverpool University. Around 650 students took part in the weekend of speakers, discussions and workshops.

Despite the Bitter cold and all the faces tired from several hours of driving, the 650 students squeezed their way into the Guild of Students on Saturday in anticipation for this year’s People and Planet national conference. They had all gathered in Liverpool to discuss and learn about trade rules, pharmaceutical patents, and environmentalism; and all the issues that need to be addressed to work towards a fair and sustainable future.

While big speeches on Trade Justice and climate change took place in a packed Mountford Hall, smaller fringe events were scattered around the university buildings. The subjects were enthralling and diverse in equal measures, ranging from the global AIDS crisis, to Deep Ecology, to gender issues in activism.

However, not everything was politics, as those who had been awake early enough would have realised when they had kicked off their shoes and done some early morning Tai Chi in the gardens of the John Foster building. There were even stalls to wander through during breaks, giving the courtyard a warm buzz from all the people milling around. Also the party in the evening was a huge success.

Sunday saw more great speeches from people such as Caroline Lucas (Green MEP), as well as tens of skills workshops on campaigning strategies and non-violent direct action techniques. The day was capped off nicely by a lively question-time debate, and final goodbyes were emotional and genuine. Everyone left completely exhausted, but inspired by the conference, and excited at what the future may hold for the movement.

Ant Ince
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What happens now?

04.11.2003 13:10

Sounds like it was a really good weekend, is anything happening as a result of it? Are action groups being set up or is there a way for people to get involved or get in touch with other interested people. It would be nice to keep things moving.....
