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Anti-Bush Oxford spokes council

Chakuwi | 03.11.2003 20:14 | Bush 2003 | Oxford

Short spokes council meeting for all interested in organising for the anti-Bush demonstrations (19th-21st November)
7.15pm Tuesday 4th November - Friends Meeting House Oxford

There will be a short spokes council meeting
for all interested in organising for the anti-Bush demonstrations (19th-21st November)

7.15pm Tuesday 4th November - Friends Meeting House Oxford

All are welcome please come and bring ideas!



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Double dose of anti-Bush planning

03.11.2003 21:16

It seems that people in Oxford so despise George Bush, there are two meetings this week. There's a further meeting to plan anti-Bush events in the Court Room, 7.30pm, Thursday 6th
November, Oxford Town Hall, St.Aldates.



03.11.2003 23:21

Not that I am depreciating anyone's efforts, but I am wondering, why just Bush? Why is Tony Blair allowed to walk around without cries of 'Shame' drowning out any media commentary? Is it just easier for us to focus our opposition abroad?

Incidentally, no matter what the SWP slogan, as a committed peacemaker, I am not for the idea that 'we' should now pull out of Iraq - not before establishing a secure UN presence and opportunity for fair, non-hierarchical elections. Anything else would be to refuse our responsibilty and yes, it is the responsibility of us peaceniks as well - or at least, those of us who still pay taxes X


UN is just a tool of the powerful

04.11.2003 10:27

Yer and the UN have been a real force for "peace" in Iraq for the past 12 years haven't they. No wonder their offices got blown up.

US/UK/UN out of Iraq


Ho hum

04.11.2003 14:52

God, they really need to start recruiting some brighter people to the security services.

"depreciating" dya mean "deprecating"

What "SWP slogan"? these are Quakers

"fair, non-hierarchical" -- what "phrase book to the left" did you pick up that from sonny boy? And are we to trust the bunch of thugs in control of the US and Britain to manage such elections?

Shame to the lot of Bliar, Bush, Cheney, Straw, and shame on you.

When Bush gets done, it will be by yet another mad American with too easy access to firearms. And given the abuse they have given to their own armed forces, my guess is that the danger lies with rightwing Timothy McVeigh types, not with the bright-cheeked, samba lovers of Indymedia.

Peter Piper

Still Puzzled

04.11.2003 19:02

Wow, what a truly horrible person 'Peter Piper' must be to debate with in a pub. Sneering intellectual snobbery, paranoid unfounded accusations; total intolerance in fact.

Thanks for the point about the UN, though, it's true, and I take several of his on board too. But I want to return to my main point. Why is it just Bush? Why aren't Blair and the rest of his war mongering cabinet coming up against this type of resistance whereever they go? No-one has answered that yet.


Bush and Blair

04.11.2003 19:42

Blair does get protested and heckled regularly. It doesn't make the corporate news much, surprise surprise. And remember when Alistair Campbell was testifying to Hutton? There were people shouting at him, threw a placard at him, etc. They showed that over and over on Ch 4, warmed my heart I can tell you.

But the Reverend Dubya doesn't get out much, especially not to Yurrup. He's here in Britain for 3 whole days, getting the fucking royal red carpet treatment from your taxes and mine, and we know which days well in advance this time. So the word is going out to get as many people out as possible to meet him.

Hope to see you there. Bring plenty of pretzels to throw.


No Longer Puzzled

04.11.2003 20:57

Thanks, Hazel, that's really helpful (I don't get to see broadcast media much, and in fact we can't receive channel 4) I'll be there!


Protest against the Evil Emporer

05.11.2003 10:09

Protest Bush because of news of another unprovoked military strike somewhere in the world soon. Protest Bush becuase the US Government has killed more people (millions)since the second world war than any other murderous government. Protest Bush because he is the Emporer of an Evil Empire.

News of increased US aircraft activity at bases in the UK (this is NOT a hoax)

Don Johnson