ISM Reports: BBC2 Tonight.When Killing Is Easy + Updates From Nablus & Rafah
ISM Media Office | 02.11.2003 15:03 | Anti-racism | World
Sunday November 2nd 2003
1) Report of Balata raid where I was shot _ Mark T
2) On the road in Palestine _ John R.
3) Rafah update _ Laura G.
4) When Killing Is Easy _ BBC documentary
1) Report of Balata raid where I was shot _ Mark T
2) On the road in Palestine _ John R.
3) Rafah update _ Laura G.
4) When Killing Is Easy _ BBC documentary
1) Report of Balata raid where I was shot
October 27, 2003
Mark T.
Hello everyone,
I'm sorry to be out of touch for the last few days.
On Friday evening, around 7:30 pm, Israeli soldiers
came to the entrance of Balata Camp near Nablus as
they have on several occasions over the past few
weeks. The soldiers have not been conducting arrest
operations, rather they have displayed a pattern of
provocation, driving into and reversing out of the
camp, taunting its Palestinian residents in an attempt
to lure an exchange of fire from fighters. They have
been met with stones from the camp's younger
population and the presence of international activists
and observers.
As reported earlier, we had success blocking the
military vehicles by standing along the main market
street of Balata Camp, sitting on the ground despite
rounds of rubber bullets and live ammunition intended
to scare us from our position.
Read full report at:

October 30, 2003
John R.
NABLUS, OCCUPIED PALESTINE (Oct 30th) -- In its popular country guide,
Lonely Planet, considered by knowlegible vagabonds the world over as the
last word in travel publishing, praises the Palestinian city of Nablus as
being “beautifully situated between the mountains of Gerezin and Ebel. A
typical bustling Arab town [note -- Nablus is indeed the largest West Bank
city], with an enchanting old quarter, it is well worth a day’s visit,”
gushes the guide.
On the other hand, the government of Israeli strongman Ariel Sharon and the
brutal army and police that ride roughshod over Nablus describe this
occupied metropolis 50 miles north of Jerusalem as the cradle of Palestinian
At the military checkpoint, we stand in line in the scorching sun and
choking dust for an hour behind concrete barricades laced with toothy razor
wire to enter the city. Although internationals are privileged to pass right
through, we choose to wait with the Palestinian workers trying to reach jobs
and families on the other side. When we are finally signaled to approach, a
hawk-faced Israeli soldier cradling an AK-47 flips through my passport
suspiciously. I explain that I am diabetic and must pass through to find a
doctor who will measure my blood sugar count but the soldier punishes us for
standing in solidarity with the Palestinians by refusing us entry.
Read the full report at:

3) Rafah Update
October 31, 2003
Laura G.
Rafah, Gaza
A tank stopped at the door of Abu Ahmed's home on Ramadan's first afternoon. It turned on its loudspeaker. "Ya'hajj!" Abu Ahmed was peering at the tank from his doorway. "Ya'hajj, b'tsom, ya'hajj?" "Are you fasting?"
Enshalla, basom. Oo'into? With God's help I fast. And you?
Enshalla, insaim. With God's help, we are fasting. The accent was Bedouin, from inside Israel.
Taal, aftar maa'na. Come break your fast with us. It was almost margheb. The sky was overcast.
Wein, fi'il debaba? Taalo tiftaro maana fi'il beit. B'tkhaifish. Ma'fish ishi. Where, in the tank? Come eat with us in our home. Don't be afraid, there's no danger here. Abu Ahmed age 64? 65? - he isn't sure himself, as he leans on his cane, his third leg - offering safety to armed soldiers in the midst of their adolescence.
Sally hides behind the door and Om Ahmed and her sons stand in the doorway watching. The soldier opens the small window and waves. Then he opens the door of the tank and stands up slowly, until the upper half of his body is exposed. He is looking around him, frightened of everything outside the safety of his bulletproof tank. Abu Ahmed invites him to a meal again and the soldier looks like he wish he could leave his job right then, flee from the fear of the tank and the army and live through Ramadan, simply. He doesn't leave his tank but leaves with Abu Ahmed one packet of strawberry milk for Sally. The tank then drives to the border and begins shooting into the area.
Read the full report at:

4) When Killing Is Easy
Sun 2 Nov, 7:10 pm - 8:00 pm 50mins
BBC TV Channel Two
Cameraman James Miller was shining a torch onto a white flag when he was
shot dead on May 2 this year in Rafah, Palestinian occupied territory.
James's friend, reporter John Sweeney investigates how James came to be shot
by an Israeli bullet. A serving Israeli soldier, who watched a videotape of
James' killing, is in no doubt: 'murder'.
Within seven weeks, in a three mile radius there were two more international
victims of the Israeli Defence Force - American Rachel Corrie and Briton Tom
Hurndall. For their families there have been many questions and too few
answers .
John Sweeney investigates the state of Israel when killing is easy.
Report by John Sweeney in the Independant

ISM Media Office