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Palestine Twilight: The Murder of Dr Glock and the Archaeology of the Holy Land

Dony | 02.11.2003 06:27 | Analysis | Culture | Repression

Palestine Twilight: The Murder of Dr Glock and the Archaeology of the Holy Land

Palestine Twilight: The Murder of Dr Glock and the Archaeology of the Holy Land

Just wondering if anyone has read this book? It seems that zionists got away with the cold blooded murder of a US archaelogist who was about to debunk their zionist fairytales.

Part travelogue, part true-thriller, Edward Fox's brilliantly original book investigates the murder of a US archaeologist on the West Bank in 1992 and opens up the Palestinian world he served -- a Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil of Palestine and the West Bank. On 19 January 1992, Dr Albert Glock -- US citizen, archaeologist and Director of Archaeology at Bir Zeit University in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, was murdered by an assassin. Two bullets to the heart. The witness statements were confused, the autopsy inadequate. The police took three hours to arrive at the scene, from their HQ ten minutes away. Who killed Albert Glock? The Palestinians blamed the Israelis, the Israelis blamed an inter-departmental feud at the university, or extreme Palestinian groups. But those close to Bir Zeit, to the political situation on the West Bank, had a simple line of advice: 'Look to the archaeology,' they repeated. 'Look to the archaeology.' For Albert Glock had started to uncover truths about the distant Palestinian past which Israel found uncomfortable. For Israel, Palestine was a country without a people -- for a people without a country. Now Glock, through his archaeological finds, was showing that their version was flawed. He was publishing papers about the ancient traditions and settlements throughout Palestine, and discovering hugely significant facts about the ancient Palestinian way of life. Glock had given up a glittering career to teach at Palestine's beleaguered, besieged and underfunded university which faced closure at worst, and curfew at best -- daily. Edward Fox's extraordinary book weaves together the story of Glock's murder with the history of biblical archaeology and the brutal, Byzantine politics of the intifada. It is written as a true-life thriller which opens up the Palestine in which Glock lived and worked, the people he knew and the turbulent politics of the middle east. This is brilliantly original writing and compelling storytelling quite unlike any other work yet published on the Middle East.



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Typical Palestinian paranoia

02.11.2003 08:55

"The assumption that I came to Bir Zeit with turned out to be wrong," Fox says. "I came increasingly to think that if the Israelis didn't want Glock in their country, all they had to do was not renew his tourist visa. I also discovered that the Israelis barely knew who Glock was, so they couldn't have cared that much what he wrote. But you can learn a lot about Palestinian paranoia from the way they point the finger of accusation at Israel."

Edward Fox

Esward Fox
- Homepage:


03.11.2003 11:33

Doctor, I keep imagining my house being bulldozed and bullets flying over my head...


The idea nobody talks about...

26.02.2005 00:30

What no one is asking is, how often do you find a mid-western American Protestant minister fluent in Arabic and spending long periods in the Territories starting in 1962!
Does anyone think it is strange that Dr. Glock began taking security precautions before he was killed? Does anyone find it strange that in the days before his death his students residences in the El Bireh YMCA were raided by the Israeli police and the Director of the YMCA in El Bireh was placed in detention 3 hours after applying for a visa to be an observer at the peace talks? Think it through, how does an American who is so pro Palestinian keep getting his TOURIST visa renewed simply by flying to Cyprus every 3 months? Three letters come to mind, if you can't think of them ask three Lutheran ministers if they speak Arabic.

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