News From McWorkers Resistance
Captain Ketchup | 01.11.2003 21:53 | London
Latest news from McDonalds Workers Resistance:
1. General news
2. Pay Campaign
4. New e-mail discussion forum
5. Coca-cola and Colombia
1. General news
2. Pay Campaign
4. New e-mail discussion forum
5. Coca-cola and Colombia
Dear friends,
After a period when MWR had seemed a bit lost with a number of people leaving the job or the organisation, it looks like things are on the up again as in the last few days several new workers have idicated they would like to become involved. One of the things that is rejuvenating the resistance is the pay campaign in the UK that was originally derived by MWR in Birmingham. As news spreads through the workforce we face the strange prospect of negotiating directly with McDonalds for the first time ever. How will we get them to talk to us? Well they will have no choice when we turn up on their doorsteps. We have addresses and are not afraid to go door knocking... it works for the Jehovas Witnesses. If you would like to know more about our pay campaign, please visit:
It was hoped that we MWRers in other countries would launch similar campaigns simultaneously but so far nobody has took on the work...
To spread the pay campaign and generally raise the profile of the resistance, we have recently printed thousands of stickers to give away to anyone in the UK who can stick em up on or around their local McDonalds. If you live in the UK, its dead easy to get em, just send an addressed envelope stamped to the value of one pound and twenty pence to MWR, c/o 17 West Montgomery Place, Edinburgh, EH7 5HA . In other words, get an envelope, write yer address on it, stick £1:20 worth of stamps on it, put it in another envelope and send it to 17 West Montgomery Place, Edinburgh, EH7 5HA. Even better, we will also enclose one copy of each of the following leaflets which we've just made:
Know Your Rights is a guide to your legal rights as a worker in the UK
McDonalds Workers Resistance an introduction
£6.00 Now! Sets out the case for decent pay and what we are going to do about it.
To see some sticker designs, please visit:
We have also recently set up an e-mail discussion group called the McWorkers forum designed to co-ordinate communication between individuals and groups involved in the McResistance. Its open to all supportive and interested parties whether McWorkers or not. Uptake has been a bit slow initially but we are hoping it will get going soon. To get involved please send a blank e-mail to:
For more information please visit:
Another thing that we have been discussing positively is responding to the treatment of our fellow workers in Colombia. Over the last deacde over 1500 trade unionists have been assasinated purely for trying to organise to improve their lives. One company which has been implicated in this slaughter is coca-cola who use subsidiaries who appear to be complicit with the paramilitaey assasination of union activists and their families amongst their workforce. In response to a call from one of the unions that represents coca-cola workers in Colombia an international boycott has been started. McDonalds is one of the worlds biggest distributors of coke and we have been discussing a campaign to start doing things like giving coke products away for free or sabotaging the machines. If you are interested in this or any of our other initiatives then we invite you to get involved.
In solidarity,
Captain Ketchup
MWR c/o 17. W. Montgomery Pl. Edinburgh, EH7 5HA, UK
After a period when MWR had seemed a bit lost with a number of people leaving the job or the organisation, it looks like things are on the up again as in the last few days several new workers have idicated they would like to become involved. One of the things that is rejuvenating the resistance is the pay campaign in the UK that was originally derived by MWR in Birmingham. As news spreads through the workforce we face the strange prospect of negotiating directly with McDonalds for the first time ever. How will we get them to talk to us? Well they will have no choice when we turn up on their doorsteps. We have addresses and are not afraid to go door knocking... it works for the Jehovas Witnesses. If you would like to know more about our pay campaign, please visit:

It was hoped that we MWRers in other countries would launch similar campaigns simultaneously but so far nobody has took on the work...
To spread the pay campaign and generally raise the profile of the resistance, we have recently printed thousands of stickers to give away to anyone in the UK who can stick em up on or around their local McDonalds. If you live in the UK, its dead easy to get em, just send an addressed envelope stamped to the value of one pound and twenty pence to MWR, c/o 17 West Montgomery Place, Edinburgh, EH7 5HA . In other words, get an envelope, write yer address on it, stick £1:20 worth of stamps on it, put it in another envelope and send it to 17 West Montgomery Place, Edinburgh, EH7 5HA. Even better, we will also enclose one copy of each of the following leaflets which we've just made:
Know Your Rights is a guide to your legal rights as a worker in the UK
McDonalds Workers Resistance an introduction
£6.00 Now! Sets out the case for decent pay and what we are going to do about it.
To see some sticker designs, please visit:

We have also recently set up an e-mail discussion group called the McWorkers forum designed to co-ordinate communication between individuals and groups involved in the McResistance. Its open to all supportive and interested parties whether McWorkers or not. Uptake has been a bit slow initially but we are hoping it will get going soon. To get involved please send a blank e-mail to:

For more information please visit:

Another thing that we have been discussing positively is responding to the treatment of our fellow workers in Colombia. Over the last deacde over 1500 trade unionists have been assasinated purely for trying to organise to improve their lives. One company which has been implicated in this slaughter is coca-cola who use subsidiaries who appear to be complicit with the paramilitaey assasination of union activists and their families amongst their workforce. In response to a call from one of the unions that represents coca-cola workers in Colombia an international boycott has been started. McDonalds is one of the worlds biggest distributors of coke and we have been discussing a campaign to start doing things like giving coke products away for free or sabotaging the machines. If you are interested in this or any of our other initiatives then we invite you to get involved.
In solidarity,
Captain Ketchup
MWR c/o 17. W. Montgomery Pl. Edinburgh, EH7 5HA, UK

Captain Ketchup