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Peace Network in Oxford - lets meet about BUSH

Peace | 31.10.2003 13:48 | Bush 2003 | Oxford

We should call an Oxford Peace Network meeting/spokes council
to help coordinate demonstrating against BUSH (nov 19-21st)

Could we have an anti-war network meeting/spokes council some time this week?

It would be great to resurrect some of that cooperation, communication and solidarity that we had during the war and we saw on tuesday with the Albright protests :)

SWP, central stop the war coalition, Oxford Students Stop The War, Quakers, CND, Oxford Pledgers etc...

It would be good to get coaches and other fun stuff.. coordinated :)

Hopefully people think this is a good idea.

Loads of Love

Mr Peace



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How about this Tues, 7.30

02.11.2003 18:55

How about this Tuesday 4 November,7.30pm. We need a venue!

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