Babies wrapped in explosives - the new mujahedeen weapon in Iraq | 27.10.2003 19:33
Daily news and comments on the situation in post Saddam Iraq, written by Iraqis

The Mujahedeen are getting very creative day by day. Someone told me yesterday that a woman carrying a baby just a few months old was arrested in front of Al Yarmuk hospital in Baghdad after trying to enter. The IP and FPS found out that the baby was wrapped in explosives between his clothes. After questioning the woman she confessed that the baby was kidnapped and that some Arabs had offered her a considerable amount of money to get the baby inside the crowded emergency hall in the hospital, leave it there and they would do the rest. Pretty amazing isn't it? Hospitals? I can't understand why they didn't hang the woman on the spot. Because obviously the terrorists are craving for some attention. We could have given them all the attention they wanted by doing that.
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