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"Smart" spy being tested in Marks & Spensers in London

dunno | 27.10.2003 12:01 | Technology

RFID makes sense for big companies. This month, Marks and Spencer has become one of the first retailers to test individual tags on men's shirts, ties and jackets in one of its London stores.

But what about privicy implications? Anyone wanna find out which stores and call a demo? I'm not in London...

RFID makes sense for big companies. This month, Marks and Spencer has become one of the first retailers to test individual tags on men's shirts, ties and jackets in one of its London stores.

But what about privicy implications? Anyone wanna find out which stores and call a demo? I'm not in London...

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Your shoes will watch you

27.10.2003 16:54

This technology will track your movements, correlate your purchases even when cash has been used. When you buy a pair of new shoes they will have a tag buried inside, since most people wear shoes when they are out of the home, they make the perfect tracking device.

Shops will be able to read tags that are from goods sold at other shops, you could be tracked to within a few metres all the time you are within an urban area, fleetonline ( with their mobile tracker is scary enough, but this will not be possible to shut off.

This of course is all beneficial to consumers, promissing reduced queues at supermarkets etc but I don't think it is beneficial to human beings.
