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The truth comes out from a child's mount?

Ake Johannes Tyvi | 26.10.2003 18:36 | Health | London

When history is spoken as it should had been in the 1st place, it seems to turn everything up side down. Playing with a child in one respect is a bit same like trying to teach an old dog new tricks - the truth just pops out from a child's mouth. That's the way the cookie crumbles.


FIN - We all know Rome wasn't built in one day. The same wisdom applies when it comes down to committing research on history. And nothing really beats a friend a who have had couple 'burn outs' and have had few passed semesters from university, before having graduated that weird place.

Usually after each burn out these friends sound much, much better, and the way how these 'burn out' history students strike the right note becomes much more interesting after each semester brake due to a 'burn out'.

Some old skeletons from the closet sees the daylight every time a history student has returned from his brake, and if I am not mistaken, they should make these brakes compulsory, since they seem to dig up something interesting while they are not supposed to study.

Now, if this doesn't ring a bell to those who wrote the official World History, and I am not talking about El Brooks now -even his understanding of World's History may be more convincing after having listened some of these student on their way to graduation-, then I suppose it is all the same, what kind of history we write. After all, the cleverest would probably like everyone to read his version of the happenings, but how do we know his truth is the only right one?

Mr./Mrs. Professor, I would like to rack your brains and raise a stink about something, that has been bothering me since I met this university student. It is about world's history, unless you already guessed it. So could you please put your oar in, and let your students put two and two together before the government MIB gets to this article.

I have to play a second fiddle to some of these people I simply must quote. Let us not waste any more time and let's get into the business.

Mr./Mrs. Professor of this mighty university, please be honored to write us some answers related to these presented facts/statements about the World History:
a) Is it true, that a whole village was practically wiped out' in United Kingdom during the II WW bombings, since You were too afraid to endanger the Normandy operation? Could You please give us more details or reference source. (*)
b) Is it true, that Switzerland were saved by the Nazi-Germany, because it was simply using Switzerland as a trade companion to trade Nazi gold among other stolen wealthy? If so, why this information has not been published openly? Are there any direct source to this claim to prove or over rule it, Sir? (**)
c) If Finns were not helped to fight against Soviet Union at the II WW, and if the German's were already on our coast, then what were the alternatives, Sir? Why Finland acted as they did, Sir? (**) Thank You Sir.
d) If every and each interesting fact has been hidden into a closet, how are you doing to prevent your student not having any 'burn outs' in the future?
e) Which World History is the correct one? ;-)
f) Is that a canoe or a rowboat, and what on earth are doing in the middle on a nigh in such a 'deep waters'.

Honestly Sir, I have no intention to make Your hair stand on end, not I imagine to change the world, but I really need these facts to put strait. And I am fully aware of You having wonderful people knowing all these facts, this is for the common people. I'd also like to point out, that we are talking about a public health issue here - it all about those people's heath studying at your department, Sir. If there is one thing we both may be happy about Sir, it must be the fact, that Thank God I am in IT-Engineering.

Thank You For Your Time Sir. God Save The Queen.

* Source: Anonymous UK inhabitant.
** Source: Finnish inhabitant.

Ake Johannes Tyvi
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