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McDonalds Empire Collapses - the evidence

Not Donald | 25.10.2003 18:16 | Animal Liberation | Globalisation

NotDonald's Street Cafe opened outside a branch of everybodies least favourite 'food' outlet on Oxford Road, Manchester, 18th October.

Free veggie burgers, with a selection of condiments and salad in a wholemeal bun were distributed to passing Mancunians, as the envoys of Ronalds evil empire could only look on in despair.

Says 'antimac', "The funny thing was people really didnt wanna take the free food at first, they looked very suspicious and asked if it was meat, or if it was lentels, but after a queue formed, loads of people started wanting them! How british is that!"

Story, pix and videos
Ronald gets hassled by the cops [ pictures]


Not Donald


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Americans Invested In McD Against Their Will by Mutual Funds Mgrs

27.12.2003 04:02

Many American unions and pensioners are invested against
their will in McDonald's stock..
and have lost tens of millions

Ahimsa Network
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Well done

31.12.2003 00:09

This is really cool, I mean id like to know how much it set you back but it harms no one (except mcd's profit margin for the day) and you give everyone else a laugh and inform them of the facts. Well done to you all.

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