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not donalds photos

beanis | 22.10.2003 13:57 | Animal Liberation

some photos os the stall


yeah, fuck mcdonalds
yeah, fuck mcdonalds

kill me now
kill me now

poor ronald is harassed
poor ronald is harassed

poor ronald needs his gun back
poor ronald needs his gun back

Sad job, sad life, what twats
Sad job, sad life, what twats

hope these work



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whats the story?

22.10.2003 17:46

Top clown - nice one peeps.

Whats the story here? Who are the suits? What about the gun - did the cops take it or what? More info would be interesting.



23.10.2003 18:10

the suits were security and the store manager, he was such a wanker, although he had such a cool side parting!
ronald had his gun confiscated :( because he's such a threat.
the stall lasted about 3 or 4 hours before the cops bothered us, untill then we had fun, and gave many free burgers to lots of of people. People were really suprised to find the food as free, and lots of them were really supportive.



09.11.2003 01:19

What for, yes free food, I would support that but why did you do it.
Obviously had a problem with Maccy Dee's (so do I, there food shit, KFC is OK) but what was it all in aid of.
More info please?



09.11.2003 18:26

You might think KFC tastes better than Mucky-Dee, but you wouldn't eat their shite either if you'd ever worked in one.

Mmm: fancy some Kentucky Fried HEAD?

"Chicken Head Update: From the "You Deserve a Beak Today" category, on 28 November 2000, a breaded deep-fried chicken head was found in a box of chicken wings purchased at a McDonald's in Newport News, Virginia. Katherine Ortega says she discovered the McNoggin while divvying up the wings at home for her family of four. (Fried chicken wings were being test-marketed in that area.)

On 30 November 2000, the Ortegas announced they had hired a lawyer and were contemplating a lawsuit against McDonald's. Legal experts don't think the family would win an award much higher than a couple of thousand dollars because no one ate the piece or was physically harmed by it. (Even in our litigious society, harm has to be demonstrated, and it's not enough just to claim "I was grossed out by this" to gain the big bucks. A small award to compensate for the shock of the discovery might not be out of order, though.)

Katherine Ortega has posed for a number of photos of her holding the chicken head, which may work against her if she tries to seek compensatory damages for psychological harm arising out of the incident. A jury will have a difficult time believing she is now nauseated by chicken or has difficulty sleeping after being presented with photographic evidence of her repeatedly and voluntarily handling the offensive item.

Those who have taken the photographs note the fried batter on the item looks to be the same as on the chicken wings. The McNoggin, however, has yet to be examined by experts. John E. Smith, owner of the McDonald's in question and two others, states "My ability to conduct a thorough investigation has been delayed because I have not been given an opportunity to examine the object in question. Although I have made several requests to see this object, the customer refuses to give me that opportunity."

An enforcement officer at the U.S. Department of Agriculture who is looking into the case is at a loss to explain how the head ended up in Ortega's order of wings. The first thing that happens in the processing of live chickens into poultry parts is their beheading, with the heads immediately being discarded. The carcasses then go on to the next stage (which is being dropped into the boiling water to de-feather them). Though the process is mostly mechanized, a plant operator helps with evisceration (the removal of the bird's internal organs) and an on-site USDA inspector is supposed to check each and every chicken. How both could have missed a chicken head going through is a mystery.

At this point, not enough is known to determine if anyone is trying to hoax anyone else, if a poultry plant worker or McDonald's employee thought he'd have himself an innocent bit of fun, or if something went severely wrong with the food processing procedures at the plant and thus a McNoggining could happen again. Further information will be provided as soon as it is available. "

Still hungry? Then tuck into some Kentucky Fried Mouse, also from

"Fried Mouse Update: In September 2003, Tony Hill, a pastor in Baltimore, claims he bit into a batter-fried mouse at a Popeye's in that town. Various news media outlets have reported Popeye's, a popular chain of chicken eateries, has refused comment, but the city health commissioner has stated that particular outlet has had rodent infestation problems before and has been closed two other times for infestation or unsanitary conditions.

The matter is under investigation, and Mr. Hill has said he has engaged the services of a lawyer. "

Just say "no" to Fast Filth.


Well Done

25.01.2005 18:46

Well Done you guys for standing up against the capitalist bastards who are in the process of legally raping the planet (i.e. McD's) You did good!


KFC - tha same

23.06.2006 07:30

Yeah, right... KFC is the same stupid shit as McDonalds and all the other f*ckin' american restaurants!!! F*ck'em all!!!!
