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Protestors welcome Oxford Union members attending the Tony Martin debate

clarrie and lydia | 21.10.2003 16:05 | Oxford

200 Oxford Union members attended the Tony Martin debate on Tuesday to find 20 students waiting at the gate holding placards and giving out leaflets.

The protestors said they were disappointed with the Union's decision to give Martin an unopposed voice and wanted to encourage members to challenge Martin in their questions. Although one Union member said that she would be "shaking Martin's hand", most were happy to receive the leaflets, and some even went so far as to join the protest. When asked why Martin's case was different to last week's speaker event a protestor said, "Although Clint Eastwood and Martin are both gunslingers, Eastwood never really killed anyone". The protest was pretty successful. We made our presence felt without confronting the Union bouncers. Protests at the Union work well....

clarrie and lydia