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Shit they are back !! AntiCapitalistAction meeting-

scaredy cat | 20.10.2003 13:34 | Cambridge

Tuesday, October 21 - Chetwind room, King's college- ACA meeting and Argentina in Revolt video screening.

Ello everyone...
We's got hold of a room (CHETWYND, KINGS), we's got hold of a decent film (ARGENTINA IN REVOLT, INDYMEDIA), we's gonna get hold of some DECENT FOOD...
...and we's hopin that lots of people turn up so that we can make plans for INTERESTING AND FUN STUFF later in the term. Whether you're a true vet or a new blue come along and see what we can make of it all...

So that's 7PM, Tuesday, CHETWYND ROOM, KINGS COLLEGE for the first ACA SOCIAL & MEETIN of the term...

lotsa love & rage

scaredy cat


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which town, sherlock ? London, i presume, dear watson ...

20.10.2003 14:32

just a small grumble, but couldnt you make it clear in which town your kings college is situated ? i immedaitely assumed london, but on reflection it could be oxford or cambridge.

prof moriarty


20.10.2003 15:13

That would be Kings College, Cambridge, I believe. This story came from the IMC Cambridge website, but unfortunately that isn't clear when you read it on IMC UK. That's a problem that is being looked at -- hopefully in the future, the page will tell you which region a story came from!


Cambridge !!!!

21.10.2003 05:00

It's in King's College Cambridge.
mmmm fascist college and radical group. strange combination.

scaredy cat