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London Bush Event cancelled

steve | 20.10.2003 12:33 | Bush 2003 | Sheffield

Telegraph article that details the cancellation of a Bush event in London coz of possible protests.

The first battle is already won!!

Interesting article by the Telegraph. Note the racist last paragraph that singles one group of people out, "Militant Muslims", without explanation. What about non-militant Muslims, or Christians or trots, anarchos, peace groups, NGOs and all the others that will be protesting?

Nope, its those militant muslims they want us to be scared of this time.

Palace parade for Bush as Blair gets cold feet
By Tim Walker


Plans for the Queen and George W Bush to make a triumphant procession along the Mall during the president's state visit next month have been abandoned because of fears of anti-war protests.

The decision, taken by Downing Street after consultations with Buckingham Palace, the White House and Scotland Yard, has disappointed the president and his senior aides.

The procession is traditionally the public high point of a state visit. A senior Palace official said yesterday that detailed plans had been made. "But Downing Street, anxious about possible anti-war protests from the start, has now decided to pull the plug on it," said the official.

"We are liaising with the White House and they have made no attempt to hide their disappointment. They saw it, obviously, as a great photo opportunity."

President Bush's trip is the first full state visit of an American president since the Queen came to the throne 52 years ago. He will travel by helicopter to avoid protesters who line road routes. Other proposed events have also been curtailed or cancelled, and he will not address Parliament because of fears of a boycott by MPs.

With anti-war campaigners, including militant Muslims, determined to make a protest during the visit, Downing Street has decided to stage photo events that they can control. The President and the Queen are expected to be photographed together during tea at Buckingham Palace and inspecting the guard.

See: to get you Bush mask to be burned instead of Guy Falkes



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Awww.. we can't bare our botties :-(

20.10.2003 12:50

"Downing Street has decided to stage photo events that they can control."

Nothing new there then.

Now, if only B Liar could control that pesky heart of his! Unless of course it's all bollocks and he's faking health problems to ease the hand-over of "power" to Smarmy Brown.

C Moon

This a shame for relatives of September 11th victims in Britain

20.10.2003 15:27

There are many Americans living and working in London who had relatives who died in the September 11th attacks. They would have loved to have been able to see their president and hear him offer condolences for their dead relatives. Most of the relatives of the September 11th attack victims were proud of the way Bush stood up to the terrorists and vowed to win the battle against international terrorism. I think the anti-war movement has scored an own goal on this one.

The Skeptic


20.10.2003 16:05

Hoorah! The protesting is making SOMEONE sit up and take notice at least! It's just a shame they didn't cancel the visit altogether

The fewer evil bloodthirsty warmongers we have visiting the country, the better. At least Bush will be kept away from the real people due to them being scared he might get hurt.

I suppose there's always the faint possibility that he'll say something to offend the Queen and she'll have him banged up in the Tower until they can get an axe decently sharp.

mail e-mail:


20.10.2003 16:24

Is the answer to an atrocitie like 9/11 to kill over twice as many people in afghanistan?
and many many more in iraq!!!


Sceptical nonsence

20.10.2003 17:30

Hey Sceptic,

Sorry but I really haven't the foggiest idea of what you're on about here. Have you talked to the acquaintances of Sept 11th victims in London? If they're really saying what you claim then they're clearly and sadly very misguided people. And what about the feelings of everyone else including those who know people who have died in Bush's wars or held illegally, with their rights denied in Guantanmo bay?

Own goal??? How'd you work that one out? This is clearly a direct goal scored against the opposition - and we haven't even touched the ball yet!!!

Iraq and Afghanistan were not attacked to prevent more terrorist attrocities. They were attacked for control of oil and gas resources. Where have you been the past two years?

The occupation of Saudi Arabia is exactly what sparked the attack on Sept 11th. The occupation of Iraq is already sparking more terrorism. As for wanting war on countries that sponsor terrorism well then Britain has been responsible for that, as has America and many other states. What you're really arguing for is one big world war.

I'm all for different viewpoints but when they don't make any sense they're a waste of space.


Be Warned!

20.10.2003 19:13

This is really heartening!
To all the cops etc who monitor Indymedia, you are so right! Bush will be humiliated any time he pokes his nose into a public space over here. We are sooo going to be there.



21.10.2003 08:52

So We\ already stoped Bush from using convetional transport? Is there any way to stop him using the Helecoptor? Im thinking along the lines of Kites and ballons. Maby?
Any Ideas??


model aeroplanes

22.10.2003 12:42

and surface to air missiles (only joking!!!)

no body in particular

Bush Banned from Blighty - gets my vote!

23.10.2003 11:02

I think the desire to cancel Bush's visit to London (or anywhere else in the UK) is a wise one. As far as I can trust the cracks in the controlled media and the roots in the independent media, as well as talking to people around me, it seems the overwhelming majority of people despise this American administration's military atrocities dressed up as terrorist witch hunts for the puropses of, among other things, staying high on foreign oil.

Any loss of life is lamentable, whatever the causes. Bush and whoever pulls his strings are not on this planet to improve matters for anyone except themselves. For him to stand on British soil and dare to curry favour for his club's own ends would be sickening.

W represents a dead-but-won't-lie-down empire that's running on empty; let's have compassion for those Americans who are trapped in fear and economic breakdown by his administration's constitution-eroding manoeuvres.

This is just how it looks from where I stand; let's hear some other minds now.

