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Race Hate UUP craigavon councillor is uncle of limbs in the loch murderer

Lenny henry's bum pincher millie, specials 1996 | 19.10.2003 22:11

Race hate Ulster unionist Craigavon councillor NI, Fred Crowe is uncle of limbs in the loch gay mutilator muderer William Beggs. Crowe was instrumental in raising and exploiting Craigavon comunities fear against the building of a mosque in Craigavon. UUP councillor Fred Crowe who was vehemently vocally opposed to the mosque, on the ground of community safety, was not so vocally forthcoming about his pervert murderer nephew.

Fred Crowes nephew Wiliam Beggs, sexually abused, raped and murdered a scottish teenager, before dismembering and dumping his body in a scottish loch. Gay killer Beggs was kicked out of the UVF for suspected sexual abuse of boys, and went on to join DUP the reverend Ian Paisley's 'Save Ulster from Sodomy' campaign. Firebrand UUP Craigavon councillor Fred Crowe was understandably not so concerned about speaking out about saving ulster from his pervert murderer nephew.

Lenny henry's bum pincher millie, specials 1996


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