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Stop Bush - Bus Stop subvert idea

.... | 19.10.2003 21:32 | Bush 2003

Bus stop markings on roads can easily be made to say BUSH STOP (or STOP BUSH if you're driving towards it). Imagine if bus stops everywhere were subvertised like this in time for Bush's visit.

bus(h) stop
bus(h) stop

It would be easy enough to do, and would make a pretty big statement.



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20.10.2003 09:33

These also appeared around Oxford in the run-up to the war. However, it *randomly*
occurs to me that spraypaint doesn't last long in such conditions (down on the road),
so think about using gloss instead which works better (I imagine ;)


Better than paint

20.10.2003 11:05

Permanent road marking materials:

And remember kids: "Reflective roadmarking tapes contribute towards a safer environment by day as well as night." :-)
