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Larmee | 19.10.2003 15:14

Age Of Sharon

Age Of Sharon

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Can Someone Please Explain What This Painting Means...

19.10.2003 23:06

Having grown used to the more simplistic, superficial, crudely drawn, knee-jerk nonsense of Indymedia's favourite so-called 'political-cartoonist' Latuff, I was suprised to see this attempt at multi-coloured abstraction and symbolism rearing its ugly and ill-informed head on the site.

By the artist's inclusion of the Twin Towers, are we to infer that Sharon is personally responsible for 9/11.

Yours in the pursuit of a better understanding of 'art'.



Dedicated To Those Who Want War, And More War

20.10.2003 13:16

Dedicated to: Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Dick Chaney, William Kristol, William Saffire, Conrad Black, and Rubert Murdoch, and all the others who planned, worked for, lobbied for, bribed for, lied for, and made possible this hell on earth.

Kevin Larmee

More Abstraction and Distraction from Larmee

21.10.2003 00:05

Congratulations Larmee: not since Sister Wendy has anyone offered a more idiosyncratic (and potentially idiotic), example of of art criticism.

I simply asked what the 'Age of Sharon' painting was ultimately supposed to signify - if anything at all. Unfortunately your response was nothing more than a convoluted compilation of American Jews (Cheney is not Jewish by the way), and a few British Jews (neither is Murdoch), who, according to you, are responsible for 'this hell on earth'.

By 'this hell on earth' I assume you are referring to to the war-torn landscape depicted in the 'Age of Sharon' painting, which encorporates everything from New York (as represented by the Twin Towers), to the Mid-East (as represented by an innocent yet clearly aggrieved young Palestinian women).

In other words, almost all of the world's current miseries and misfortunes can be blamed solely on the Jews. (Not even Israelis, mind you, just Jews).

According to Laramee, we should forget about George Bush and Tony Blair, and forget about Osama and Yassar - because these men are not Jewish. Only the Jews 'want war - and more war'. But of course; surely Conrad Black - as a Jew - is far more responsible for the invasion of Iraq than Donald Rumsfield - a Christian, or Saddam Hussien - a part-time Muslim.

Come on Larmee, enough with your coy abstractions; let's have a bit less
Pollock, and a bit more Bollocks - if you've got any. Why don't you just come out and say whatever it is that you really want to say - however unpleasant it just might be...




21.10.2003 11:23

I've read the above thread and the only person to mention "The Jews" is YOU.

Clearly something of an obsession with you, dear boy. Maybe you should see someone.

I particularly liked the way you admitted that Laramee (spelling?) had mentioned several non-Jewish people BEFORE accusing him of targeting Jews and [yawn] of being "anti-semitic".

For my mind, the artist has done a rather obvious and studenty, but reasonable enough, anti-war painting. "Sharon" and the others mentioned are just a few of the people (of whatever ethnicity) who are responsible for this mess.

Don't go looking for academic standards of consistency in a painting for fucks sake! What are you like?

Mad Monk

Artist responds

24.10.2003 06:19

