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CHEMTRAILS: Global Aerial Spraying of Chemicals Becoming Severe

Michael Irving, of World-Action | 19.10.2003 12:10 | Ecology | Health

Worldwide, aerial spraying of chemicals by planes is becoming severe and health problems and fatalities are rapidly increasing. ACTION is needed by all people to stop this abuse.
If you are not currently being sprayed, you are still breathing in 'Chemtrail' chemicals because it has been sprayed so intensively for so many years in many countries, and still is being sprayed, the resultant toxic pollution is worldwide.




Announcing a NEW Chemtrail website for people
who have had enough of being poisoned by the
air we breathe: 'STOP-CHEMTRAILS'



A global FORUM for STOP CHEMTRAILS action.
Proboard's 'STOP CHEMTRAILS' Action Forum:

'Welcome to the new STOP CHEMTRAILS forum
-- Join the GLOBAL fight to STOP CHEMICALS being

Global Chemtrail REPORTING boards .......

Action Plans To Stop Worldwide Chemtrail Spraying

Reports Of Worldwide Chemtrail Spraying
---- Chemtrail Reports From UK
---- Chemtrail Reports From EUROPE
---- Chemtrail Reports From USA
---- Chemtrail Reports From Canada
---- Chemtrail Reports From AUSTRALIA
---- Chemtrail Reports From NEW ZEALAND

'STOP CHEMTRAILS' Global Action Forum:

(Please use sensible usernames when registering
-- this is a serious business. i.e. I have recently
heard of babies being taken into hospital Casualty
departments with serious breathing difficulties. Etc.)



New Yahoo News Group - 'STOP CHEMTRAILS':
Join this Yahoo NEWS LIST and send your global
Chemtrail reports to me for possible worldwide
distribution --- especially details of ACTION being
taken to STOP this Chemtrail madness.



World-Action Worldwide Websites:

Special 'STOP-CHEMTRAILS' Website:

New 'STOP CHEMTRAILS' Global Forum:

New 'STOP CHEMTRAILS' Yahoo News Group:


"We must do what we conceive to be the right
thing and not bother our heads or burden our
souls with whether we will be successful.
Because if we don’t do the right thing, we will be
doing the wrong thing and we will just be a part
of the disease and not a part of the cure."
--- E. F. Schumacher

Thank You --- World-Action

Michael Irving, of World-Action
- e-mail:
- Homepage:


Hide the following 6 comments


19.10.2003 14:08

can you tell us exactly what these 'chemtrails' are made of?

If they are chemicals added to the fuel, then they will be burned in the jet engine. For this to work, they must somehow be sprayed into the exhaust. How could this be done without considerable modification of the aircraft engines? And presumably the chemicals would have to added to some tank in the aircraft. Don't you think the odd aviation mechanic servicing the engines might get curious?

You might be better served by a course in meteorology.


witness testimony?

19.10.2003 17:06

notice that the trails come from the tail end (not the jets on the wings)
notice that the trails come from the tail end (not the jets on the wings)

I found this in my website files,
hope it help's. look's like it was sent in to the source website.


said to be From an airline mechanic:

"For reasons you will understand as you read this I can not divulge my identity. I am an aircraft mechanic for a major airline. I work at one of our maintenance bases located at a large airport. I have discovered some information that I think you will find important.

First I should tell you something about the "pecking order" among mechanics. It is important to my story and to the cause to which you have dedicated yourself.

Mechanics want to work on three things. The avionics, the engines, or the flight controls. The mechanics that work on these systems are considered at the top of the "pecking order". Next come the mechanics that work on the hydraulics and air conditioning systems. Then come the ones who work on the galley and other non-essential systems. But at the very bottom of the list are the mechanics that work on the waste disposal systems. No mechanic wants to work on the pumps, tanks, and pipes that are used to store the waste from the lavatories.

But at every airport where I have worked there are always 2 or 3 mechanics that volunteer to work on the lavatory systems. The other mechanics are happy to let them do it. Because of this you will have only 2 or 3 mechanics that work on these systems at any one airport. No one pays much attention to these guys and no mechanic socializes with another mechanic who only works on the waste systems. In fact I had never thought much about this situation until last month.

Like most airlines we have reciprocal agreements with the other airlines that fly into this airport. If they have a problem with a plane one of our mechanics will take care of it. Likewise if one of our planes has a problem at an airport where the other airline has a maintenance base, they will fix our plane.

One day last month I was called out from our base to work on a plane for another airline. When I got the call the dispatcher did not know what the problem was. When I got to the plane I found out that the problem was in waste disposal system. There was nothing for me to do but to crawl in and fix the problem. When I got into the bay I realized that something was not right. There were more tanks, pumps, and pipes then should have been there. At first I assumed that the system had been changed. It had been 10 years since I had worked on one. As I tried to find the problem I quickly realized the extra piping and tanks were not connected to the waste disposal system. I had just discovered this when another mechanic from my company showed up. It was one of the mechanics who usually works on these systems. I happily turned the job over to him. As I was leaving I asked him about the extra equipment. He told me to "worry about my end of the plane and let him worry about his!"

The next day I was on the company computer to look up a wiring schematic. While I was there I decided to look up the extra equipment I had found. To my amazement the manuals did not show any of the extra equipment I had seen with my own eyes the day before. I even tied in to the manufacturer files and still found nothing. Now I was really determined to find out what that equipment did.

The next week we had three of our planes in our main hanger for periodic inspection. There are mechanics crawling all over a plane during these inspections. I had just finished my shift and I decided to have a look at the waste system on one of our planes. With all the mechanics around I figured that no one would notice an extra one on the plane. Sure enough, the plane I choose had the extra equipment!

I began to trace the system of pipes, pumps, and tanks. I found what appeared to be the control unit for the system. It was a standard looking avionics control box but it had no markings of any kind. I could trace the control wires from the box to the pumps and valves but there were no control circuits coming into the unit. The only wires coming into the unit was a power connection to the aircraft's main power bus.

The system had 1 large and 2 smaller tanks. It was hard to tell in the cramped compartment but it looked like the large tank could hold 50 gallons. The tanks were connected to a fill and drain valve that passed through the fuselage just behind the drain valve for the waste system. When I had a chance to look for this connection under the plane I found it cunningly hidden behind a panel under the panel used to access the waste drain.

I began to trace the piping from the pumps. These pipes lead to a network of small pipes that ended in the trailing edges of the wings and horizontal stabilizers. If you look closely at the wings of a large airplane you will see a set of wires, about the size of your finger, extending from the trailing edge of the wing surfaces. These are the static discharge wicks. They are used to dissipate the static electric charge that builds up on a plane in flight. I discovered that the pipes from this mystery system lead to every 1 out of 3 of these static discharge wicks. These wicks had been "hollowed out" to allow whatever flows through these pipes to be discharged through these fake wicks.

It was while I was on the wing that one of the managers spotted me. He ordered me out of the hanger telling me that my shift was over and I had not been authorized any overtime.

The next couple of days were very busy and I had no time to continue my investigation. Late one afternoon, two days after my discovery, I was called to replace an engine temperature sensor on a plane due to take off in two hours. I finished the job and turned in the paperwork.

About 30 minutes later I was paged to see the General Manager. When I went in his office I found that our union rep and two others who I did not know were waiting on me. He told me that a serious problem had been discovered. He said that I was being written up and suspended for turning in false paperwork. He handed me a disciplinary form stating that I had turned in false paperwork on the engine temperature sensor I had installed a few hours before. I was floored and began to protest. I told them that this was ridiculous and that I had done this work. The union rep spoke up then and recommended that we take a look at the plane and see if we could straighten it all out. It was at this time that I asked who the other two men were. The GM told me that they were airline safety inspectors but would not give me their names.

We proceeded to the plane, which should have been in the air but was parked on our maintenance ramp. We opened the engine cowling and the union rep pulled the sensor. He checked the serial number and told everyone that it was the old instrument. We then went to the parts bay and went back into the racks. The union rep checked my report and pulled from the rack a sealed box. He opened the box and pulled out the engine temperature sensor with the serial number of the one I had installed. I was told that I was suspended for a week without pay and to leave immediately.

I sat at home the first day of my suspension wondering what the hell had happened to me. That evening I received a phone call. The voice told me "Now you know what happens to mechanics who poke around in things they shouldn't. The next time you start working on systems that are no concern of yours you will lose your job. As it is I'm feeling generous, I believe that you'll be able to go back to work soon" CLICK. Again I had to pick myself from off the floor. I made the connection that what had happened was directly connected to my tracing the mysterious piping. The next morning the General Manager called me. He said that due to my past excellent employment record that the suspension had been reduced to one day and that I should report back to work immediately. The only thing I could think of was what are they trying to hide and who are THEY!

That day at work went by as if nothing had happened. None of the other mechanics mentioned the suspension and my union rep told me not to talk about it. That night I logged onto the Internet to try to find some answers. I don't remember now how I got there but I came across your site. That's when it all came together. But the next morning at work I found a note inside my locked locker. It said, "Curiosity killed the cat. Don't be looking at Internet sites that are no concern of yours."

Well that's it. THEY are watching me.

Well you already know what they are doing. I don't know what they are spraying but I can tell you how they are doing it. I figure they are using the "honey trucks". These are the trucks that empty the waste from the lavatory waste tanks. The airports usually contract out this job and nobody goes near these trucks. Who wants to stand next a truck full of sh--. While these guys are emptying the waste tanks they are filling the tanks of the spray system. They know the planes flight path so they probably program the control unit to start spraying some amount of time after the plane reaches a certain altitude. The spray nozzles in the fake static wicks are so small that no one in the plane would see a thing.

God help us all,
A concerned citizen."


Paul from Langley, Va

19.10.2003 19:03

Notice the engine on the tail?

This is just one mdel with this feature.
There are aeroplanes with twin jet engines on the tail too.

Downstream on thread i noticed that you were accused of being from Langley, Virginia for which you seem to post expressing your confusion.

Paul :^), Langley, Va is where a crucial pigscum HQ is.
It is either you are pretty dull in these matters or indeed working in Langley, Va.
I would add on another possiiblity that you are working for the airline industry ....BAe?

Whatever the case the 'concerned citizen' signature is also not helpful to point out the problem of airbourne toxic chemical pollution which is knowingly propagated globally.
I do not discount for once that the pigs are upto something more sinister but you post on this thread is not helpful.

Any reply is best without any poetic deviations as I have a headache since some prick hit me on my head with a hammer!



19.10.2003 21:23

this means that all the shit shovellers in the airlines are knowingly filling the aircraft with lethal chemicals, and all the maintenance bosses are in on it too ... and still no one comes forward?

The photo is meaningless for several reasons. First, the jet efflux is at a temperature of several hundred celsius. Hence no condensation will appear immediately behind the jet engine. Secondly, the air flow over the wings and body is quite complex: there are vortices set up by the aircraft that persist for a long way behind. Thus the jet exhaust, when cool enough to condense, may well not be directly behind the jet engine.

Perhaps these might help: and


In spite of the best efforts...

19.10.2003 23:39

of the skeptics and administrators this issue isn't going to go away
It's there in front of our very eyes on many days of the year. All we have to look and see what we're looking at

Michael, congratulations on your new website and very good-looking forum
It's good to fight back and relieves a lot of personal burden

The frontmen are faultering perhaps by design, perhaps because of the growing opposition
Is Bliar being set up to depart the mortal coil via cardiac arrest if he doesn't hold his hands up and say 'yeah, guys, I lied and lied. OK, I quit'

For another view of how to fight back see


my thoughts on this post.

20.10.2003 17:14

there is some group of people who run the world but don't like the masses.

we see them in a visible sense as the G8, but there are more behind the scenes organisations as well.

there is a pyramid of control, it starts on the level we see and becomes more hidden up to the top of the pyramid.

there is a suggested thinking that there is a proposed population stablization and control plan tthat they want to impliment.

would this not be part ofv that?

i have read on a canadian researchers weeb site that in quebec people have been taken to hospital after spraying and also in usa and my freind michael claim's that this is so in his home area.

Unfortunately hardly anyone will see this info as it is hidden.
apprantly it is only heresay which in a sense is partly true.
we see things differently and this apparantly is not worth the time of day.

I can only say what ive seen on websites and from comms with freinds and myself in the sky.

the trails grow expand and then the sky is covered and clouded by these trail's.

they create fake clouds with these trail's. i have witnessed that.

i have seen a mistyness in the air surrounding me afer a heavy trailspray Op.

it is not my job to convince anyone.

all i offer is what i have seen for myself. it is about personal repsonsibilyty

it is easier for some people to ignore bu at what potential cost.

paul :^)