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Global Monument of Akropolis Greece IN DANGER

Spiros Kalogeropoulos | 19.10.2003 10:54

A request for the Marbles of Parthenon was made to Blair by Simitis due to incoming elections! A giant museum 32m high and 10 acres on base is illegaly under construction in Archaeological site with the excuse to host the marbles while they can be return back on the monument. A recearch will help to find out what is correct and you may give your opinion at:

archaeological site
archaeological site

the new construction
the new construction

situation at Parthenon
situation at Parthenon

Ed Note: the above poll is not hosted or set up by indymedia and indymedia has not control over how data collected by is used.

Were you believe, is the proper position for the Marbles of Parthenon
Back on the temple of Parthenon Akropolis Greece
In a new giant Museum that will destroy the surrounding Akropolis archaeological site
In a new modern Museum that will not destroy archaeological site
In an existant traditional building as Museum
Were they are, at the British Museum
This matter doesn't concern me

Spiros Kalogeropoulos


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Natiolalism-do not vote

19.10.2003 13:12

The above article is one more expression of greek nationalism. From the beginning of the '80's the greek state is carrying out a huge campaign concerning the parthenon marbles. This campaign is a project carried out by the greek ministry of culture and aims both on pressing the rest european countries for the marbles to be given to greece, and, mainly, generating in the greek popuation a feeling of superiority towards the rest europeans. This campaign is one of the contemporary formal and well covered expression of greek nationalism. Do not vote. There's no reason to offer "food" to any nationalism


It's a global demand and decision of UNESCO 1982

19.10.2003 15:32

This story about fondamelism is unbelievable.
There is an UNESCO decision since 1982
about the return of all parts back to the monument.
UNESCO is a facist organization according your thinking?

There is not only the British Museum that holds parts of Parthenon,
but also many other museums around the world and private collections.
This decision includes all but the Greek governments never activate this decision!!!

This moment the monument suffer with EU money, under new attack with business plans for taking pieces for the final catastrophe of this global monument among with the philosophical schools in Makrigianni Archaeological site 150m away in an area protected by UNESCO .
There, some businessman want a monster museum to a state land, with EU money and private collection Parthenon and other monuments of Akropolis (NIKE temple etc)

The effort for the salvation of Parthenon has nothing to do with nationalism.
Parthenon is a GLOBAL MONUMENT for humanity and a result of the multi politismic environment of ancient Athens that was the meeting point for all civilizations of the area.

Well done Dimitris.
Saving a whatever global monument, treasure for the humanity and for all visitors from all around the world, is nationalism?

The birth place of Democracy and the salvation of his symbol has to do with nationalism?

This is the most poor view and the greatest lie about this matter,
from very poor minds close to real facism.

Only real facists, want to destroy the monument of Democracy and Civilization with all kind of excuses, like the return in a museum 32m high and 10 acres in base full glass with restaurants, bars etc. that will ruin Akropoli, the surrounding area, the philosophical schools of Athens 5 BC- 7 AD, four layers of ancient cities begining from prehistoric period. Just to still the last free space and state land in the area. Just to still the monument. Just to use the EU money float to their pockets.

Spiros Kalogeropoulos
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International Council of Monuments and Sites

19.10.2003 15:38

You can be informed at

ICOMOS is the International Council of Monuments and Sites Member of UNESCO

member of UNESCO
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MINERVA, archaeological Magazine

19.10.2003 15:55

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Is British Minerva a facists magazine?
ArtWatch too?

Poor Demetris... do you thing that people around the world are so stupid for this kind of chip propaganda with aim the final catastrophy and robbery of a Global Monument by private interrests?

author Dorothy King

Thank you INDY UK for yours kind help

22.10.2003 00:54




In a hurry...
In a hurry...

in a hurry 2 ...
in a hurry 2 ...

Dear friends

thank you so much for your kind help in this effort for the salvation of Akropolis and surrounding area (archaeological field Makrigiannis) were philosophical schools
5th BC -7th AD still exist.
I have to tell you that for this poll none in Greece was informed to inflow the research. Was only published in a INDY in USA, and Netherland only. Is strange that not many entries were at the poll. This doesn't help enough but at least none asks for catastrophie and this is important.

There was an same research in INDY ATHENS, a research in the street below Akropolis (Dionisiou Areopagitou str) only to save something.
To be clear that none really wants the catastrophy of the monuments of the area of the Global Monument. That's all.
The monument of Akropolis belongs to humanity
and complete and proper restoration worth a chance.
I send you photos from the situation on the archaeological field NOW that is in extreme danger for fatal catastrophy. Also some other photos from Parthenon.
Regards and thank you again for your help.

Spiros Kalogeropoulos
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