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do summat...

DO SUMMAT | 18.10.2003 23:00 | Social Struggles

am trying to sort out a co-op society for the manchester metropolitan university..tis called DO SUMMAT...tis open to anybody and everybody... dont just want students involved... more peeps from more walks of life is mucho good...

do summat
do summat

yip... so we are havin a meetin on 5th november- quite apt.. at a yet unspecified venue... it will be put on the website when we've found somewhere..

anyway the society will include workshops in graf, subvertisin, D.A, actions, etc... peeps who are interested in doin summat!!!

everybody welcome who has an open mind and is passionate about fighting for the rights of humanity and a right to a voice... of a world where we can see positive artwork displayed on our streets rather than corporate bullshit... where we can make informed choices about our lives... and live for our dreams not our bosses...

we are open to everybody and welcome skills of all kinds from all kinds of people not just students(working as part of a co-operative- no one is in charge)

we would prefer people who really are passionate about these issues.. we dont all have to aggree about everything.. that's not what happens in real life... but we all want to be able to share and trade our skills and ideas to make something really amazing.

this also means that we are not going through a 'phase' which is so often linked to student societies.. everyone involved has different experiences and ideas- which is great- though you dont need to have any experience in protest etc to get involved... we just dont want it to be just another group of stoodents having meetings and shoutin their mouths off aboot nowt... we wanna DO SUMMAT!

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do summat

18.10.2003 13:47

oops... i put the wrong bloomin web address on it and made load of spellin mistakes... so hope you can make head and tail of it... just see the web ad here and hopefull twill make more sense...


have bad and evil flu from bein frozen in camp xray last week... but dont worry am drinkin lots of gingery tea so am sure will be ok... there i go again ramblin on... blahblahblah

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What's mmu?

18.10.2003 15:22

Sounds like an interesting and worthwhile project but what's MMU, is it something in Manchester?



19.10.2003 11:55

mmu is the manchester met uni... but you dont have to be a student to be involved and do summat...

the do summat monkeys
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19.10.2003 16:00

ok here's the email adddress incase you have any questions you dont want to post here...

cheers.. hope to see you on 5th novemba

the monkey
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