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In Memoriam 9/11/01 .. what DUB Stands for. (2)

Verity Sparks | 18.10.2003 01:09 | No War F15 | Anti-militarism | Bio-technology

DUB stands for Depleted Uranium Babies


insane nuclear madmen, 09.11.2001 07:17

Horrid proof of depleted uranium effects on the most innocent-babies

Photos of depleted uranium babies in Iraq photographs require investigation and compensation. See


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09.11.2001 11:56

This is incomprehensible evil. There are no words for this. What is the USA, who are they? What are they? Satan's family?



Leaflet drop?
09.11.2001 13:09

These images need to get to the American people.

Any ideas?



Could be worse...
09.11.2001 14:26

Have you ever seen the sort of congenital defects caused by Agent Orange (used in huge quantities in Veitnam)? They're worse than these...

As for getting this information out in the US, I forsee 3 possible responses to this sort of information:
1. I know. It's sick, but not suprising.
2. I don't believe it. It's not true.
3. Who cares anyway - they're not Americans.

The US public either doesn't care, or doesn't want to know. There are none so blind...

Duncan King


Pure Evil
09.11.2001 23:06

Words fail me, this is the first time I have been reduced to tears by a web-site...

The next time an American aks 'Why us?" then point them to this site. Altohugh no doubt CNN would put the images in context by adding that Iraq was an enemy of the USA and these weapons were used in self-defence....



Verity Sparks
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