Campeace Forum and IMC Newswire
Brett Hennig | 17.10.2003 16:11 | Anti-militarism | Cambridge
Two new print projects in Cambridge are bringing non-corporate alternative media onto the streets.
Campeace Forum is a not-for-profit volunteer run magazine devoted to independent and critical thinking on global and domestic affairs. The aim is to provide a Cambridge-based alternative resource to the dominant media in fostering a local-global peace and justice movement.
The first issue, which was released a few weeks ago, also provides information about Campeace and other local peace and justice groups. The poetry and art included questions the way things are and celebrates the strengths of the peace movement.
Also recently released in Cambridge is the Cambridge Newswire, the print edition of the Cambridge Independent Media Centre.
In the months leading up to and following the US' and Britain's illegal invasion of Iraq, many people have been reflecting on the role of the UN as an international body. The blatant sidelining of the UN in the US/British decision to go to war on Iraq raises several questions: Does the UN have continued relevance in the current global order? (How) can it be made (more) relevant? What is the point of it if powerful nations ignore or exploit it? Should we reform, replace or remove it? If reform is the goal, what sort of reforms are desirable and how would they be undertaken? Is there a different way to approach the question of international mediation and a more just and peaceful world order? The first issue is an attempt to explore these and other questions relevant to transforming the global culture of war which threatens the lives of millions. We hope it is illuminating and provides an entry point for you to investigate further. There are links and books listed after most of the articles for the interested reader.
Copies are available at various shops, cafes, libraries etc around town, or from the Campeace Stall every Saturday in Market Square between 12:30-2pm.
If you want to get involved in any aspect of the magazine's production please email us. Campeace Forum also welcomes unsolicited articles, cartoons, poems, reviews, event listings and letters, but if you intend to submit an article please let us know at least three months before publication.
Brett Hennig
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