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Bolivian Uprising - Call for international support!

Chakuwi | 16.10.2003 15:13 | Oxford | World

We must support the Bolivian uprising in the same way as was done with the Zapatistas in 1994!
Massive internet campaigns and pressure on the Bolivian government and our own to stop the human rights abuses!!
Write to your governments, the Bolivian embassy, organise demonstrations and DIRECT ACTIONS etc.. whatever people feel is possible.

We must support the Bolivian uprising in the same way as was done with the Zapatistas in 1994!

Massive internet campaigns and pressure on the Bolivian government and our own to stop the human rights abuses!!

Write to your governments, the Bolivian embassy, organise demonstrations and DIRECT ACTIONS etc.. whatever people feel is possible.

We should also be making it very clear that any US involvement will be loudly opposed!

If we want a better world we have to work hard to make it.

Love and Struggle



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Bolivian embassy details (London)

16.10.2003 15:32

These are the details of the Bolivian embassy in London, for letter-writing purposes etc.
I would be very much in favour of a solidarity demo too, although I have no time
personally to organise one. :(

Bolivian Embassy in London
106 Eaton Square, London SW1W 9AD.
Tel: (020) 7235 4248/2257
Fax: (020) 7235 1286
General email:
Ambassador's email:

Can someone in the know give out details of officials in Bolivia itself?


Matt S

Details of officials in Bolivia

16.10.2003 15:52

Here is what I have...

President's email:

Bolivian government website: (although it seems to be down at the moment...)

if someone else has more details please post them...

solidaridad! libertad!



16.10.2003 16:05

oops sorry i made a mistake, the bolivian government website is .
