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the hex

joe | 15.10.2003 17:58


Deactivating the Holocaust Hex

Reflections of a Holocaust Revisionist and Liberal

Of all the points of view current in the world that of the holocaust revisionist is the most difficult to get a fair hearing for. Thus it is so very difficult to get across. The very second one makes the slightest revisionist utterance they are down on you like a ton of bricks. One is greeted with hysteria masquerading as argument. One's sanity is called into question. One is labelled a bigot and worse.
Most so called educated people believe that level headed intelligent individuals, who dispute the standard holocaust narrative of six million Jewish victims, gas chambers and other horrors, just do not exist. If one holds such views one is by definition morally and intellectually depraved.

It is my hope in writing this piece to set matters to rights. By this I mean to let people know that holocaust revisionists are not monsters in human form and they view their ideas as simply the result of submitting common belief regarding what is known as the holocaust to objective multi-disciplinary scrutiny. This is the essence of Holocaust Revisionism.

It is also my aim to probe the political and philosophical implications of holocaust revisionism. I do not seek here to prove the contentions of revisionists outright but simply to whet the reader's appetite for further exploration. With that I would like to help him or her to appreciate the profound and momentous importance of the revisionist message.

I must make clear that I have not always held such views. There was a time, some years ago, when if I had heard any challenge to the standard sacred text I would have immediately mounted my high horse and armed with fierce indignation rode over the guilty miscreant. I was a holocaustian, a soldier ready to do battle for the holocaust faith, only then I had not realised it was a faith, I, as almost everybody, thought it was established fact like where Australia was on the globe or how the Titanic had sunk. This is the initial psychological problem everyone who comes to revisionism for the first time faces. One has so taken for granted the story of the gas chambers, death camps etc. that it has entered the psyche and become part of one's mental furniture. Furthermore, many thinkers today see the holocaust as being the defining event of 20th. century history.

Surely, one says to oneself, intellectuals could not be so stupid, so gullible, so corrupt to ascribe profound meaning to events which either did not happen or happened in ways very different to how they are thought to have happened? The revisionist answer is simply that the standard political/historical world-view is indeed corrupt and distorted to the point of absurdity.

My interest in the troubled politics of the Middle East and a series of twists of fate led me in a direction where I reigned in my scepticism and contempt enough to read some revisionist articles. I believe myself to have a good nose for detecting flawed logic, rationalisation, doublethink, tendentiousness and such like. I could find none of these in what I read. This was a great surprise as that is what I had expected. In fact it was in the writings of conventional historians and in critics of revisionism that these qualities appeared to be marked. Naturally I was dumbfounded. Curiosity led to further investigation. Eventually I had to throw in the towel and admit to myself that the holocaust story while embodying some truth was essentially atrocity propaganda. My view of history and the world was thrown into disarray.

So what do the revisionists actually say? Firstly they do not dispute that the Nazis persecuted the Jews of Europe and placed a great number of them in ghettos and concentration camps. They do not dispute that Jews were massacred in Eastern Europe by various parties including indigenous communities of Ukrainians, Poles and Russians and other nationalities as well as by the SS and Axis forces. What they do dispute is the number of Jewish victims which at six millions they hold to be a wild exaggeration. They say that the genocidal gas chambers did not exist and that it was not the intention of the Nazis to exterminate the Jews but rather to expel them from their sphere of influence. There were no "death camps". There were camps used to hold people in transit before resettlement and camps where people were forced to work in the war industries such as Auschwitz. Deaths in the camps were mainly due to Typhus.

Is all this not redolent of a right wing ideology of hatred and intolerance? Firstly revisionists come from many ideological and cultural backgrounds. The first of the prolific challengers of the holocaust legend was a former French resistance activist Paul Rassanier who had been an inmate in Buchenwald and after the war for a time was a Socialist member of the National Assembly. He wrote a number of books based firstly on his Buchenwald personal experiences and later on the Nazi concentration camp system in general. Due to the revelations contained in his books in the 1950s the Holocaust canon was substantially revised. In 1960 it was officially admitted by the Munich Institute for Contemporary History that no lethal gassings had occurred in Buchenwald or any camps on German soil. Thus dozens of witness statements and alleged confessions of perpetrators were rendered invalid. The scene of mass annihilation had been safely isolated in Poland behind the then existing iron-curtain where it was conveniently closed to forensic examination. Rassinier died in 1967.

The most important promoter of Revisionism in the United States at present is the libertarian Bradley Smith. For him the supreme value is freedom of expression and open debate In his recently published biography "Break His Bones" he explains his motivation:

"The ruling discourse in America, and indeed the West, demands that the Holocaust story remain closed to authentic debate. The holocaust happened. Revisionists say it didn't. For that reason all worthy persons and particularly intellectuals-who are all worthy persons by definition-favor the suppression and even censorship of revisionist theory. Meanwhile, because over the last half century the story has been revised so much, it becomes increasingly difficult to say exactly what the holocaust was. That's where I saw my role. I fell into it like a blind man falling down a well. All I could see was the taboo that protected the story from real examination. How could anyone put his finger on what the thing itself had been if it was taboo to talk about it freely-really freely? I would be the one then, the blind man said, to help start the discussion going."

I recommend "Break His Bones", the website of that name and his main website for anyone who wants to sharpen their understanding of this subject.

Jews have also played a significant part in furthering the revisionist cause. Among them was the German Jew and anti-zionist the late Joseph Ginsberg who wrote in German such works as Schuld und Schicksal (Guilt and Fate) and Majdanek in aller Ewigkeit (Majdanek in all Eternity) under the name of JG Burg.

Contrary to what one is programmed into thinking the holder of revisionist opinions may not necessarily be some aggressive cropped headed youth but may be someone professional, unassuming, literate, middle-aged and well read. Usually, for social and career reasons, they keep their views to themselves. None are better aware of the hollow nature of western societies boast to be "free and open". Neither are they necessarily politically right wing.

Certainly the ultra right have been enthusiastic and vocal in their support for revisionism. This is to be expected as the legend undermines the credibility of their world view and consigns it, in general public estimation, to the realm of the psychopathic. More than for other shades of political opinion revisionist insights help to publicly validate their position.

This has afforded propagandists, such as Deborah Lipstat, in her book Denying the Holocaust the chance to claim revisionism to be a movement of the anti-Semitic far right.. This is drivel. How could leftists and Jews have been among the pioneers of such a movement? Revisionism in it's essence is forensic rather than political in it's concerns. However, this is not to say it is without political and ideological implications.. History is part of the bedrock upon which we build our subjective world of values and ideals. If it is radically revised then we may be challenged to correspondingly revise our world-view. How this revising takes place is important.

When one realises for the first time the holocaust story is false one has a sense of shock and disorientation. Some even develop psychosomatic symptoms. One has to take time to again find one's ideological, political and philosophical bearings.

How one integrates the new knowledge is as important as the knowledge
itself. The sorry saga of the Second World War is normally narrated as a conflict between light and darkness, good and evil, between black and white. In essence the structure is that of that ancient story form; the fairy tale. There is little space for deep and subtle analysis, for varying shades of grey, for alternate modes of interpretation. It is presented as a simple conflict between good and evil. When one gains the knowledge that things were less simple than society had led one to believe there is a temptation to jump to the very opposite conclusion to the one which has been pushed so constantly and unremittingly. One jumps to the conclusion the wrong side won and one enthusiastically embraces the ideological baggage of the Nazis. In short one accepts a fairy tale equal and opposite to the fairy tale one had started out with, only now who the good and evil sides are reversed.

I prefer to see that awful conflagration in Europe as a struggle between a number of ruthless imperialistic power blocs. All the different political systems represented were predatory, elite driven and served societies soaked in propaganda.

While I consider myself to be a liberal I fully respect the entitlement of the ultra right to hold, express and promote their views. Freedom of opinion I see as more than a cliché.. I see it as a necessity. Without this right to personal opinion and free expression we become more easily the victims of ideological and political tyrants and bullies.. If we are not allowed the dignity of possessing our own minds and of expressing our insights to those we choose to express them to we live an impoverished life in the shadow of tyranny. Such a tyranny is not achieved without the all important tool of coercive fear. Yet, so called liberals all over the "democratic" world, play along with the suppression of revisionism on the grounds it is "nazi", "ultra rightist" etc. Yet the truth is, as explained above, revisionism is non-ideological and even if it were that is no grounds to justify denial of basic rights. The reality is that most "liberals" are only fair weather liberals and when confronted with something that threatens the established order they are ready to cannive at it's suppression. Devotion to the ideal of freedom of expression is a trendy lifestyle accessory for virtually everybody in the worlds of academia and journalism. It is a fashion accessory and nothing more.

Any ban on the expression of ideas can give fraudsters cover to hide behind. Full freedom of expression allows all ideas to face the challenge of open debate without the protection of a taboo against hate speech or hate crime or thought crime.

It is noteworthy that revisionists have always and everywhere sought free and open discussion. The establishment on the other hand has almost never consented to accept the challenge. Instead it has sought to shelter the public from revisionist publicity. When one side of an argument shuns the debate which the other side demands what does this indicate?

While revisionism is suppressed with legal penalties in most of western continental Europe in the English speaking world the taboo is enforced via an informal media ban (Internet so far excluded) and the use of gangs of naïve youth people to violently disrupt the dissemination of information such as by smashing the windows of bookstores which sell revisionist literature. Such youth organisations are often controlled by state intelligence operatives.

Academics and journalists who breach the taboo face dismissal. What has been uniquely bizarre is the way academic distinctions especially doctorates have been withdrawn from individuals who have committed the ultimate heresy. This happens even if the doctorate concerned a completely different subject! The public has to be protected from the the possibility of knowing that gifted individuals can hold revisionist opinions. To this end reality has to be modified in a similar way to how photographs were modified by Stalinist regimes to eliminate images of "unpersons" who were out of favour. The past does not fit. Thus it has to be changed.

Recently an attempt to withdraw an MA degree from an historian in New Zealand failed. The man, Dr Joel Hayward, had however been hounded out of his position at a University and his highly promising career and health ruined. Holocaust enforcers had even been considerate enough to contact him to make death threats regarding his children! His crime was, many years before, to have written a thesis for which he received first class honours in which the standard holocaust doctrines had been called into question and described as ‘atrocity propaganda’.

Reality, one may note, has a certain robustness. It can be picked up and scrutinised and played with. It can be tossed about in the interplay of open debate without fear such rough and tumble will cause it to shatter.

What is it about the reality of the "Holocaust" that makes it different? Why does it have to be accompanied by a bodyguard of protective measures wherever it travels? Claims are heard "survivors" will be upset and feel emotionally afflicted by the mere possibility their testimonies may be put under the proverbial microscope and processed through the laboratory of critical analysis. Nobody can be insulted or demeaned by a challenge to the authenticity of a valid contention. The very nature of the world of fact is that it emerges "smelling of roses" and with credibility in yet greater glory thanks to the inquisitorial process undergone.

There is an argument particularly popular in Germany in recent years that scepticism regarding the six million and related assertions is expressed merely as a ploy to lure more recruits into the right-wing extremist "scene". The idea is that the sceptics do not believe themselves what they say but do so in the hope it will make an ideology look more innocuous and so more attractive to potential new supporters. One fault here is that this is merely an ad hominum argument. That is it attacks the person of the opponent rather than what he says. Plainly put it goes for "the man instead of the ball". Such a line of attack can be deployed against any line of reasoning we are afraid to confront. We simply say: “You do not believe what you are saying so I am under no obligation to answer your arguments!” Of course to impute bad faith a priori, like this, to ones opponent in any disputation is to dismiss him before the discussion has begun. It denies him the minimal respect one decent human being ought accord to another. It is merely an excuse not to engage in discussion.

This ever so convenient line of reasoning can be marshalled for any case where we believe we are right and the opposition wrong, which one imagines would cover quite a few instances! Next time you have a difference of opinion with your spouse or partner why not try this line of reasoning?

“You are wrong. You know you are wrong and are dishonestly asserting your position for an ulterior motive. Thus I am not obliged to engage in any further discussion.”
The results should be interesting!

People can better understand the reality of the "Holocaust" when they understand the context. Zionism engaged in an extraordinary colonialist enterprise immediately after WWII. This involved an aggressive war against the Arabs of Palestine including extensive ethnic cleansing. The extraordinary and lurid allegations helped justify this before world opinion. The world was made to feel it owed Israel, acting as proxy for the world Jewish community, something special in recognition of a terrible and evil betrayal. The new Jewish state required extensive financial and technical support to get on it's feet and integrate millions new immigrants. Much of this support came from Germany in the early years. Since the 1960s the United States has provided the lion's share of support for Israel. A great deal of money still to this day comes from Germany as "reparations". Israel has never in it's history been self supporting.

The holocaust story usefully served to distract attention, as it still does, from crimes committed by the Allies during WWII especially the atom bomb attacks which occured at a time Japan was seeking to surrender honourably and the firebombing to death
of civilians in their hundreds of thousands in Japanese and German cities.

Was “the Holocaust” intended, as most atrocity propaganda has been, to serve as an expedient which would eventually wither on the vine of human memory? Were it’s inconsistencies and absurdities gradually to be allowed exposure as it's usefulness waned? One can only surmise.

However, Israel did not progress as had been be hoped for. The new state experienced economic difficulties as the 1950s gave way to the 1960s. In the new decade outside financial and military support was increased. The alliance with the US was deepened and strengthened. Military conquest afforded further territorial expansion in the mid 1960s. The term "the Holocaust" was born around this time. Before this,titles such as "the Nazi genocide" had been used. The legend was utilised to morally underwrite the peculiar and not a little bizarre Israeli combination of financial dependence allied to multifaceted aggression. The failure of Israel up to now to achieve real economic viability partly explains the durability of the legend.

There are further explanations for it's durability. It has become part of the public self definition of the USA vis à vis it’s enemies. Contemporary armed confrontations are almost inevitably described as being against “a new Hitler”. The public is taught a mental paradigm whereby American arms inevitably confront consummate evil.

It has become a key origin myth of the present United States dominated world system. The story allows the US to present itself as having “saved” the world during WWII.

It serves the interests of the international Jewish business community.
The put down term “anti-Semite” can be thrown at anyone who refers to the utterly enormous influence of the Jewish community in the worlds of mass media and high finance. Absurd as it is when reflected upon, one can be accused of initiating “a new Holocaust” simply by pointing to such obvious facts!

The political left has found the legend useful as the alleged perpetrators were associated with the political right. Thus they are usually happy to promote it and use it as a major point of reference.

Similarly internationalists in politics and the business world of various hues who are opposed to traditional European forms of Nationalism and those who believe in unrestricted immigration into Europe use the legend assiduously in their publicity.

What is so very strange is that organised Christianity today plays along wholeheartedly with the extermination story. It turns a blind eye to the abuses of basic rights suffered by revisionists. Yet Christianity unlike zionism or the US military industrial complex or transnational corporate business or the political left gains nothing and loses credibility in the face of the hoax. The accusations of moral culpability undermine Christianity’s claim to be a creed of compassion. Instead of confronting the accusations with objective analysis Christians prefer to wallow in a vague but real sense of guilt. One strongly suspects that the mindset one is dealing with here is one lacking the spark of real critical intellect. Could it be those with a habit of asking probing questions have already jumped ship? Could it be all that are left are mediocrities and “yes men” ready to be taken in by whatever counterfeit wares the holocaust huxters have prepared to dupe them with?

People are bound to their rulers and authority figures by bonds of trust without which it would be hard for society to function. This trustingness makes it difficult for most people to question what institutions present as true and given, no matter how it is that what they are told may sound outrageous, extravagantly lurid, a challenge to their credulity. This natural human tendency protects the hoax from overmuch threatening prying examination.

Indeed this human tendency protects other hoaxes perpetrated by controlling elites in our times who want to hide their activities. This human tendency to trust protected the small number of Catholic clerics who up to recently got away with serial acts of abuse against children. Victims and those who doubted the whiter than white picture the clergy painted of itself kept quiet just as revisionists today are forced to thread cautiously. They had to hide from public view their maverick and tabooed view of the world. They kept quiet because they were beset by a powerful societal taboo which threatened real dire consequences and ostracism against all who challenged it.

Another factor which protects “the Holocaust” is it’s own very monumental scale. People are well capable of telling small fibs themselves but would balk at the idea of promoting a monstrous untruth. A lie of such enormous scale most people can not envisage as such and so they tend to believe the story.

A continuous deluge of media propaganda repeats the essentials of the story ad nauseum. The process of repetition embeds it into the public consciousness thus rounding off the brainwashing process.

A lie believed distorts our perceptions. A monumental and epic lie does so to the point it acts as a gigantic act of sorcery putting it’s subjects under a state of remote control whereby they do irrational things without realising it. They are subject to a kind of magic spell such as what we might call the Holocaust Hex.

In our hexed and benighted world we are reluctant to acknowledge the horrors the State of Israel has foisted upon the peoples of the Middle East. We do not ask is it strange that a nuclear power which has behaved ultra aggressively towards it’s neighbours should be supported by a massive system of international financial largesse.

In our hexed and bewildered world normal and natural European nationalist sentiments and impulses are seen as pathological because nationalist ideology we are told ignited the most murderous and evil acts history has seen. Similarly, Christianity tainted as a carrier of ‘anti-Semitism’, that most frightful disease, is pathologised. The whole of Europe’s heritage lies shamed and accused.

In our hexed and blinded world we dare not enquire if it makes sense that a small ethnic minority should monopolise the mass media,
with all that extraordinary capacity for mass indoctrination, in much of the developed world.

We are hexed into false perceptions of our history and heritage, of politics and of society. Of course, also,we are hexed into a false notion of the legend itself.

Slowly but surely knowledge and awareness is growing. The eventual general exposure of the great imposture will free our perceptions. The ideological establishment will be discredited. Again able to see we will look about us in wonder at what surrounds us. We will see the academic world and the world of journalism and the Churches and realise how much they have been a sham. So called democratic politics, as it is practised, will then be revealed as the playground of powerful, ruthless and amoral elites. People will realise such gross and absurd untruths could not have survived and flourished for so long in a society that was truly free and open. A new era of questioning basic principles, a new enlightenment can be set in motion. People will seek to create a real truly liberal and open society to replace the current fake one. The free exchange of ideas, unhampered by taboos, will be set in motion. Spurious arguments, based on nothing better than an elaborate version of childish name calling, will no longer suffice. Saying “that is Nazi” or “that is anti-Semitic” or “that is Nationalism” will no longer carry weight. People will be forced to support their positions with cogent argument. A new era of intellectual honesty and doubt and adventurousness can begin.

In short, the public exposure of the legend will cause the hex to work it’s magic spell in reverse! Instead of promoting confusion it will now promote understanding and enlightenment. It will be realised if we were so easily misled in one area we most likely were misled in a lot of other areas besides! Everywhere and overall perceptive skills will be sharpened. New light will illuminate many dark corners of deceit.

That revisionism has come this far is due to the activity of a relatively small number of gifted and courageous individuals. The work of examining and deconstructing the holocaust story is mostly at an end. The numbers accepting the revisionist analysis in western Europe and north America is still relatively small though it is constantly growing. What retards it’s faster spread is legal and extra legal intimidation added to the caution and defensiveness engendered by a major societal taboo.

This understandable caution however need not be all embracing. The truth needs to be sponsored. Sponsors of the truth can attend academic seminars and ask probing questions. They can engage in radio phone-ins. They can, circumstances permitting, ask questions as audience members in television discussion programmes. They can distribute leaflets. They can as students publicly confront academics. They can in private life be prepared to advocate and discuss. In short they can stand up and be counted.

The security of the legend rests on a taboo against open critical discussion. Various means of intimidation, as already mentioned, have been set up to protect and reinforce that taboo. Revisionists should refuse to be intimidated.

Activism, I believe, would be more effective in concentrating on the flimsy justifications for the existence of these mechanisms of intimidation rather than on the forensic details of the extermination allegations themselves. For it is in it’s need for recourse to intimidation of both the legal and extra-legal kind that the holocaust industry, most clearly and in an easily comprehended way, reveals there is something it desperately needs to hide. Always and everywhere the questions must be posed:
“Why are people not allowed to hear all sides of the discussion?”
“Why can we not have open public discussion on this topic?”
“Why has the public to be kept in the dark about technical research in this area?”
“Why do you challenge my right to express myself?”
“Why should there be any need for ‘Holocaust Denial’ laws?”
“Why do you answer my request for discussion with violence?”
“Why do you oppose a free market in ideas regarding this matter?”
“Why are revisionist titles not available in major bookstores?”
The denial of information to the public allied to intimidation amounts to how the official story is enforced.

Because it carries weight in the free market of ideas truth needs only to be asserted. Untruth however needs to be enforced.

This is the most immediately apprehensible flaw in the established holocaust story. Herein lies the tip of the iceberg of deceit. This enforcement embodies the denial of rights of free expression and denial of the public's right to information. As explained already it has legal and extra-legal aspects. Indeed, one may say that with their orchestration of this massive denial of rights the holocaust lobby themselves are the true 'deniers'.

Why do names such as Rassinier, Faurisson and other revisionists not trip off the tongues of academic students of history? If the “holocaust” is a matter of such fundamental importance, as we are told so often, is not a student of history entitled to be familiar with all shades of opinion on the matter? Why are students in academic institutions not encouraged to read revisionist writings in the original? They have to be kept ignorant of revisionist writing and research as part of the enforcement process.

That an established point of view is enforced does not definitively and absolutely prove the revisionist case but it does mean the treatment of and discourse surrounding the matter are not rational nor natural nor healthy nor reasonable. An inquiring and alert mind will naturally seek out all those studies, scientific analyses and observations which have been so strangely barricaded away.

The truth, as always, will eventually everywhere become public knowledge. When that will be depends on many factors only the future will reveal. It can happen access to the internet may be denied to revisionism which will slow it’s progress in gaining acceptance significantly. Still, a critical mass of awareness remains at present in place across the globe, which persecution can not eradicate. Scepticism regarding the legend is especially widespread in the Islamic world. So too has scepticism taken strong root in the former lands of the Soviet Union. Whatever happens, progress, most likely, will be counted in decades rather than years.

Some may suggest that as the truth will emerge victorious eventually, as it always does, there is no need to act by challenging the established orthodoxy. However, the longer it takes to happen the longer mankind lies under the bewildering and malign spell of the holocaust hex, and will pay a price, especially if Arab or Muslim, measured in blood and tears.

As a hoax the holocaust story is quite crude. In this the holocaust cult is vulnerable and weak. In that it is supported by enormously rich and powerfully resourced interests it is very strong. Still, the Emperor who is told his elegant set of clothes is a transparent sham, a fraud, a hopeless lie, is yet a very uncomfortable Emperor. Such an Emperor can only continue with the charade for so long if many small children one after another come forward chirping gleefully a revisionist message.

A very good introduction to revisionism is available on internet at See also

The Emperor relates to Aesop's fable of an Emperor who had a magic set of clothes made for him which was said to be invisible to those who were fools. As he paraded in his new finery everyone congratulated him and agreed on how well his new clothes looked. However a small boy pointed out the Emperor had no clothes at all and was actually naked. The result was shock, laughter and pandemonium.

The phrase thought crime comes from the novel 1984 by George Orwell.
It means thinking thoughts which have been tabooed by the ruling political elite. To question the “Holocaust” is the ultimate thought crime in today’s world.

Joseph Heaney Dublin September 2003



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  1. Nazi scumshits not welcome on IMC!!! — Tom