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Social Movements in Africa / European Social Forum

Dave | 15.10.2003 08:39 | Oxford

Social Movements in Africa / European Social Forum
Meeting at Town Hall this Thursday

Globalise Resistance Public Meeting

Social Movements in Africa

Speaker: Kate Prendergast

Thurs. 16th Otober, 7.30 PM

Oxford Town Hall.

Africa is suffering from devastating wars over its natural resources, such as the civil war in the DR Congo that has killed an estimated 3.3 million people, while enriching the mining corporations. At the same time, international 'agreements' are opening up Africa's economies to exploitation by the free market, while denying Africans access to western markets.

Kate will be looking at the resistance to these trends, focusing on initiatives from Africans' own social movements to resist neo-liberalism.

There will also be information and discussion about the European Social Forum in Paris this November.



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be aware

15.10.2003 13:14

Globalise Resistance are a front for the SWP.

What's wrong with that? Well see this:

(nothing personal against its members :)


good pamphlet!

15.10.2003 15:21

everyone should read that! :-)


the peoples front of Judea

15.10.2003 22:12

"we can sit around talking until the cows come home, but what good will it do, nothinG!
We need action, now, its no good endlessly debating this and that when meanwhile the romans are running the show, so whos in favour of direct action, lets put it too the vote, all those in favour....."

or something like that, its been awhile since I last watched 'Life of Brian', but basicly this sort of thing is a bit like surfing, if you miss agood wave it could be awhile before the next one comes along, and if you jump on the first small wave you migh be badly placed for the next big one. We have had a lot of waves lately, and ridden most of them, some idea of a destination would be good, even if it is Utopian in nature, I like permaculture for a start as a way of life, but you do need access to land, so occupation Maori style might be the way. Reclaim the street only goes the first step, what about reclaim the hills and rivers, reclaim the festivals, reclaim the seasons, reclaim the sacred sites, reclaim the good agricultural land, reclaim the fisheries.
Claim the motorways, convoy like there is no tommorow, lets face it, its looking pretty tenuouse, tribal gathering, call it Rainbow, call yourself a Rainbow warrior, we come for peace on earth. Ther was a lot of hope before the millenium bug, we have been back footed, so best foot forward.....

Permaculture is on my mind, as is bonfire night, last bonfire night I was thinking about the bombing of Afganistan, an Iraq was still a conspiracy theory. As we light up the sky on NOV 5th think how scary it must have been for the fires in the sky to be bombs, and ask yourself which country will have been bombed before the following Bonfire night.

Its a good time to carry banners into the night, or make it to Parliament hill in North london. A prize for the best model of parliament.

Lotsa love. Matt Mo

Matt Mo