Dublin: Bin tax campaign escalates and shuts down entire service
Gurrier | 14.10.2003 12:42 | Globalisation | World
The bin tax campaign in Dublin today reached a new level. In the last few weeks 15 campaigners have been jailed for protesting. Today we responded with force.
All the depots in the city were shut down and not a single truck has moved - despite the existence of an injunction which threatens instant jailing for anybody blocking bin trucks. At several depots workers downed tools in sympathy with the blockades. At one of the blockades, campaign secretary Joe Mooney was knocked down by a bin truck and hospitalised (he's now back home). Of the 3 campaign officers in the city area, 2 are now in prison and one is injured. This underlines the ferocity of the struggle that the working class has been waging in Dublin in this campaign that has smoldered for 3 years before bursting into flames in the last few weeks.
Today many campaigners feel that we have turned the corner and that this campaign is now very winnable. Follow the story on indymedia ireland at:
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Today many campaigners feel that we have turned the corner and that this campaign is now very winnable. Follow the story on indymedia ireland at:
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