What are the danger's of being microchipped....
Paul :^) | 11.10.2003 22:58 | Analysis | Repression | Technology
this is about the danger's of being microchipped copied from another site the commentary follows the first article.
Jeff Rense Website:
Tracking Junior With A Microchip
By Julia Scheeres
A Mexican company has launched a service to implant microchips in children as an anti-kidnapping device.
Solusat, the Mexican distributor of the VeriChip -- a rice-size microchip that is injected beneath the skin and transmits a 125-kilohertz radio frequency signal -- is marketing the device as an emergency ID under its new VeriKid program.
The service has even garnered the backing of Mexico's National Foundation of Investigations of Robbed and Missing Children, which has agreed to promote the service.
According to a press release announcing the collaboration, the foundation has estimated that 133,000 Mexican children have been abducted over the past five years.
Foundation officials did not respond to interview requests.
A Solusat executive said the terms of the agreement are still being hashed out.
"There are distinct projects on the table, but one form of finding (children) is by putting scanners in strategic locations where a search is being conducted for a VeriKid that has been reported missing," said Carlos Altamirano, Solusat's associate general director.
The company envisions placing walk-through scanners -- similar to metal-detector portals used in airports -- in malls, bus stations and other areas where a missing child may appear. The chip also could be used to identify children who are found unconscious, drugged, dead or too young to identify themselves.
Critics said kidnappers could circumvent the device easily.
"My big concern is that kidnappers will simply use 'high-tech' tools like knives to get rid of them," said Lauren Weinstein, creator of the Privacy Forum, an online digest related to privacy and technology issues.
The Electronic Privacy Information Center also has warned that inserting a type of LoJack into children and workers to track their movements could violate their civil liberties.
Solusat began selling VeriChip -- which is similar to the biochips used to track cattle and lost pets -- in Mexico in July; it's been sold in the United States since October 2002.
The VeriChip is injected under the skin of the upper arm or hip in an outpatient procedure. A special scanner reads the RF signal emitted by the microchip to obtain the device's ID number, which then is entered into a database to access personal data about the individual. Other potential uses of the chip, according to company officials, include scanning unconscious patients to obtain their medical records or restricting access to high-security buildings by scanning workers to verify their clearance.
In Mexico, the cost of the VeriChip and the doctor's fee for implantation is about $200, in addition to a $50 annual fee to maintain the database. The handheld scanner costs an additional $1,200, Altamirano said. The company refused to disclose the price of the portal scanners.
VeriChip manufacturer Applied Digital Solutions said it plans to roll out the VeriKid service in other countries, including the United States, in the future.
Comment to rense.com :
The Age Of Total Microchip Control Is At Hand
From Liz
Hi Jeff;)
This is just the beginning, the opening shot. I kept telling people that this would be how they begin, by promoting safety for children, Next thing you know it'll be a law, that all minor children will have to have this chip, so they can be "protected." It's a hop skip and a jump from there to military use and then criminals, and then on to the rest of the population.
It really is the bankers' answer to prayer as well as the credit card companies, because all that info can be stored on the chip and if you buy anything online, it's a simple cheap reader linked into your computer and to the internet through your cable connection or phone line, that can verify who you are, and transfer funds right from your banking/credit card account with no delay, it's like a wireless ATM card. You won't need to carry a Driver's license, cops can just scan your chip. No worries about Birth/Death/ certificates destroyed by flood/fire/whatever. No more worries about fraudulent occupational licenses or degrees/diplomas/checks/money orders.
No worries about a man marrying more than one woman at a time because all marriages are listed in the national database. Men can't hide in anywhere to avoid paying child support or lie about their income. Divorce Court will be revolutionized by this also, because income and bank account balances will be instantly accessible, no more hiding of assets. No more disability fraud or welfare fraud. No more Medicaid fraud, no more prescription medication fraud. They will tout it as the best way to prevent credit card fraud and identity theft, and to prevent terrorists from laundering money, as well as drug dealers.
They'll say it's the best way to track military personnel, no more MIA's or unaccounted fro POW's. They'll say it's good because there'll be no more missing persons reports. They can find lost campers/hikers. They can find persons lost at sea. The reasons and justifications are endless.
This is very scary. Total information control. Total population control. The only question I have, is what happens if someone decides to erase you from the database? What happens to people that don't want this chip? If the bankers get involved they won't have to make a law for the adult populace, the bankers and employers, will just make it so hard to make transactions without it, that most people will cave in just to avoid a hassle. By the time the lawmakers get around to making a law, it'll be next to impossible to buy or sell anything without a chip to verify everything. The reasons and justifications for these chips are so scary because they're true, however, when you put that power into the hands of the current corrupt leadership of all the countries in the world, it's a hair raising scenario. They will be able to track everything you do and every where you go and everything you own, right down to your shoelaces, and every grain of rice and every sewing needle in your home.

Jeff Rense Website:
Tracking Junior With A Microchip
By Julia Scheeres
A Mexican company has launched a service to implant microchips in children as an anti-kidnapping device.
Solusat, the Mexican distributor of the VeriChip -- a rice-size microchip that is injected beneath the skin and transmits a 125-kilohertz radio frequency signal -- is marketing the device as an emergency ID under its new VeriKid program.
The service has even garnered the backing of Mexico's National Foundation of Investigations of Robbed and Missing Children, which has agreed to promote the service.
According to a press release announcing the collaboration, the foundation has estimated that 133,000 Mexican children have been abducted over the past five years.
Foundation officials did not respond to interview requests.
A Solusat executive said the terms of the agreement are still being hashed out.
"There are distinct projects on the table, but one form of finding (children) is by putting scanners in strategic locations where a search is being conducted for a VeriKid that has been reported missing," said Carlos Altamirano, Solusat's associate general director.
The company envisions placing walk-through scanners -- similar to metal-detector portals used in airports -- in malls, bus stations and other areas where a missing child may appear. The chip also could be used to identify children who are found unconscious, drugged, dead or too young to identify themselves.
Critics said kidnappers could circumvent the device easily.
"My big concern is that kidnappers will simply use 'high-tech' tools like knives to get rid of them," said Lauren Weinstein, creator of the Privacy Forum, an online digest related to privacy and technology issues.
The Electronic Privacy Information Center also has warned that inserting a type of LoJack into children and workers to track their movements could violate their civil liberties.
Solusat began selling VeriChip -- which is similar to the biochips used to track cattle and lost pets -- in Mexico in July; it's been sold in the United States since October 2002.
The VeriChip is injected under the skin of the upper arm or hip in an outpatient procedure. A special scanner reads the RF signal emitted by the microchip to obtain the device's ID number, which then is entered into a database to access personal data about the individual. Other potential uses of the chip, according to company officials, include scanning unconscious patients to obtain their medical records or restricting access to high-security buildings by scanning workers to verify their clearance.
In Mexico, the cost of the VeriChip and the doctor's fee for implantation is about $200, in addition to a $50 annual fee to maintain the database. The handheld scanner costs an additional $1,200, Altamirano said. The company refused to disclose the price of the portal scanners.
VeriChip manufacturer Applied Digital Solutions said it plans to roll out the VeriKid service in other countries, including the United States, in the future.

Comment to rense.com :
The Age Of Total Microchip Control Is At Hand
From Liz

Hi Jeff;)
This is just the beginning, the opening shot. I kept telling people that this would be how they begin, by promoting safety for children, Next thing you know it'll be a law, that all minor children will have to have this chip, so they can be "protected." It's a hop skip and a jump from there to military use and then criminals, and then on to the rest of the population.
It really is the bankers' answer to prayer as well as the credit card companies, because all that info can be stored on the chip and if you buy anything online, it's a simple cheap reader linked into your computer and to the internet through your cable connection or phone line, that can verify who you are, and transfer funds right from your banking/credit card account with no delay, it's like a wireless ATM card. You won't need to carry a Driver's license, cops can just scan your chip. No worries about Birth/Death/ certificates destroyed by flood/fire/whatever. No more worries about fraudulent occupational licenses or degrees/diplomas/checks/money orders.
No worries about a man marrying more than one woman at a time because all marriages are listed in the national database. Men can't hide in anywhere to avoid paying child support or lie about their income. Divorce Court will be revolutionized by this also, because income and bank account balances will be instantly accessible, no more hiding of assets. No more disability fraud or welfare fraud. No more Medicaid fraud, no more prescription medication fraud. They will tout it as the best way to prevent credit card fraud and identity theft, and to prevent terrorists from laundering money, as well as drug dealers.
They'll say it's the best way to track military personnel, no more MIA's or unaccounted fro POW's. They'll say it's good because there'll be no more missing persons reports. They can find lost campers/hikers. They can find persons lost at sea. The reasons and justifications are endless.
This is very scary. Total information control. Total population control. The only question I have, is what happens if someone decides to erase you from the database? What happens to people that don't want this chip? If the bankers get involved they won't have to make a law for the adult populace, the bankers and employers, will just make it so hard to make transactions without it, that most people will cave in just to avoid a hassle. By the time the lawmakers get around to making a law, it'll be next to impossible to buy or sell anything without a chip to verify everything. The reasons and justifications for these chips are so scary because they're true, however, when you put that power into the hands of the current corrupt leadership of all the countries in the world, it's a hair raising scenario. They will be able to track everything you do and every where you go and everything you own, right down to your shoelaces, and every grain of rice and every sewing needle in your home.
Paul :^)