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The TSG/OSG/paramilitary riot squad?

anti | 07.10.2003 13:21

What do you guys think about the TSG who the Met use at protests and demos?

What do you guys think about paramilitary police units like the TSG the Met uses at protests/demos etc and for "heavies"? Does your local police have a unit like this, and have you ever encountered them. A few weeks ago there was something in the news about them using the Terrorism Act at the arms fair.. There are other things like it in other places like Merseyside = OSG etc and "Special Patrol Group".

A mate of mine reckons they are the top thugs, but is that true?

Just wondering about these things cos its all news to me!



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Why post this here?

07.10.2003 13:54

Why post this discussion topic on a newswire?

Why not use an anti-authoritarian message board like which are desinged for talk of this kind?



07.10.2003 20:16

Hello welcome to the real world. Shock, horror there are riot police on the march. For fucks sake you middle class libs. need to get out of the suburbs more. Yes I know all about them they hurt people, next question.

cannon fodder


09.10.2003 21:39

... because people seemed to start getting annoyed at another post a quick disclaimer that the link to the enrager forums above was not posted by one of our collective as an advert - someone else did it!

alexa (one of enrager)


21.12.2003 21:49

Why do you think TSG are deployed on marchs??

If trouble occurs police officers have a duty to keep the peace.

So would suggest that when it gets violent they deploy in normal uniform and get injured or deploy properly equiped?

Each officer is identifed by numbers on his shoulder an helmet, so they are accountable should they over step the mark.

Maybe you have never been teh victim of crime or should descend from your Ivory Tower occasionally

Sam Moore
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