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Security firm spied on road protesters (arms campaigners etc)

Sunday Times | 07.10.2003 11:28 | Analysis | World

See Sunday Times 5 October 2003 for article on 'Security firm spied on road protesters'

Group 4, the security firm hired by the government to protect its controversial road-building projects, has become the latest public company to admit paying a private intelligence agency to spy on protest groups.......
for more see Sunday Times website.
Includes quote
' to corporate clients that le Chene (who runs private intelligence agency R&CA Publications) has a database containing the names of more tan 148,000 people who belong to left-leaning pressure groups such as CAAT, Reclaim the Streets and CND.'

Sunday Times


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Get your data back off them!

07.10.2003 12:46

You have the legal right to get back any personal data they have on you. If you suspect you are on their list, for example you were at Newbury or are a member of CAAT, they HAVE to comply. I wouldn't do this just to fish coz your name will prolly just end up being added to their odious little files.

Mark Thomas has some info on this, im sure there's better out there tho:
