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Authoritarian SWP marxists

Ian Stuart | 06.10.2003 23:15

What are they about?

(OH NO) HERE COMES A COMMIE by Skrewdriver

He looks to the East, worships the beast
Nothing but air in his head
Appears in your eyes, peddling lies
Selling ideas that are dead
He's out there every single morning
Talking 'bout his new day that is dawning

On no, here comes a commie
Red star on his breast
Oh no, here comes a commie
Won't you give it a rest?

He hates his own land, he has a plan
To bring it all down to the ground
Confuse you with lies, installs his spies
Brings our destruction around
He just wants to see our nations dying
His desire is for a Red flag flying


Instrumental break


Support for his plans, comes from alien lands
People who don't belong here
They come to these shores, they always want more
With their lies and their crocodile tears
The Red gets his support from these invaders
Hopes that their sheer numbers will evade us


Oh no, here comes a commie
Says his revolution is nigh
On no, here comes a commie
Won't you off and die?

Ian Stuart


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NOT ON!!!!

06.10.2003 23:43

Support for his plans, comes from alien lands
People who don't belong here
They come to these shores, they always want more
With their lies and their crocodile tears


Jeb's Bush

Skrew them

07.10.2003 00:14 <--- ''realist'', check their 'superb' website out.. for fucks sake : (!


What trash

07.10.2003 01:47

Having now realised that this is part of a Combat 18 conspiracy, its still scarry reading this stuff. Actually, we don't get our ideas from invading people, well, not right now. Its all very inaccurate, and I don't think it was actually in the usual vein of thought which people of this site post in.
I think this guy actually miss took this for an SWP supporters site. HAHA!!!
And BTW: after this crap input, I probably won't complain ever again about anti-SWP remarks being made on here. At least the rest of you guys actually complain about problems which are real and happening (most of the time).

Rebel W

Rebel W