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BNP at the Farmers Picket in Totnes

UNITED TO STOP THE BNP - South West | 06.10.2003 11:32 | Anti-racism

A couple of reports have come in that two BNP activists were at the recent farmers picket of Unigate Dairy in Totnes. Reports that copies of The Countrysider were being handed out, which is regular rag of the Nazi BNP's Land and People outfit - fronted up by Nazi BNP Darren James, who stood as a candidate in Newton Abbot in this year's May local council elections.

Can anyone verify these reports?



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BNP at Totnes Picket Spring 2002

06.10.2003 13:19

I attended the picket befor the last in Spring 2002
When I went home, which was opposite the picket, I found a BNP leaflet through the letter box.

What can people in the movement who are foccussing on farming , land use and community farming, do to resolve the problems of Racsism in farming communities?

I would suggest to the new farming organisations that are being un welcomed by the NFU to set up a space for these issues to be looked at. Surely the BNP are preying on the people in farm crisis.


I didn't spot any fash.

06.10.2003 15:00

I was at the picket and didn't spot any fash or their odious newsletter.

chris b

BNP are anti-GM and pro-organic

06.01.2004 19:31

Once upon a time you could be pretty sure that the 'left' and the 'right' would put up opposing views on just about everything.

Now I find that the apparently 'right wing' Land and People (site is strongly anti-Gm and pro-Organic and campaigns against supermarkets making excess profits on the back of farmers.

They also ascribe one article in their library to 'The Land Is Ours'!

It seems that nothing is simple any more.

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