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Tower Bridge protest for jailed London man

London Network News | 06.10.2003 00:29 | Thessaloniki EU | Repression | Social Struggles | London | World

Article from London Network News on Thessaloniki Prisoner Solidarity demo

A group of protestors have scaled Tower Bridge near to where David Blaine is continuing his 44 day stunt in a glass box. They are trying to highlight the plight of an Essex man imprisoned in Greece.

Campaigners targetted David Blaine's stunt to go 44 days without food - as Simon Chapman from Basildon started a hunger strike in jail.

Chapman was arrested during a demonstration against a European Union summit in Greece last June. Supporters say a bag containing petrol bombs was planted on him and he is innocent.

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You have done something right for once!

06.10.2003 09:26

You have done something right for once in targetting American nut and self publicist David Blaine. But you should have used more direct action such as going there with a massive banner saying: "Fuck off yankee nutter, go home!" I hate David Blaine and his stupid idiotic stunt, and his thugish security guards as well!


YOU should get off YOUR arse rockwell

06.10.2003 20:30

Instead of wasting your time and others by posting your stupid comments telling people what they should do, YOU could get off YOUR arse and DO IT YOUR SELF!

You want to do an action against Blain - THEN GO AND DO IT!

