HipHop for Palestine - full UK tour details | 02.10.2003 13:59 | Social Struggles | Liverpool | London
Please note that all monies raised will go to who are in the process of building a new educational centre in the Rafah refugee camp.

9/10 - London: Scala Nightclub 8pm - 3am; DAM live plus 2 rooms of Asian
Underground and Arabic Sounds: Aki and D from FunMental performing
"Sounds of Mass Destruction": plus DJs including: Pandit-G of the ADF; DJ
Nerm of the Shiva Sound System; The 'Nation Records World Service'; DJ
U-Cef and DJ Yazid. TICKETS: £9 or £7 in advance - contact either or call 07733 235 760 or 07919 134 144 to arrange advance
10/10 - Bristol : Malcolm X Centre St Paul’s, Bristol BS2 10pm - 4am
£6/5 concessions : DAM (direct from Palestine), Fun’da’mental,
Jalal Nuridin (from the original Last Poets) Oshin (57th Dynasty)
Bobafatt & Honeytrap, Klandestino (KFS) - organised by Kebele Kulture Projekt
12/10 - Birmingham at The Drum - DAM supporting a new collaborative live
performance by FunMental and the South African gospel choir, MIGHTY
ZULU NATION. Box Office: 0121 333 2444 or visit the drum website at:
14/10 - Liverpool, Bluecoat Arts Centre (£5 / £3) - DAM supported by local Bhangra DJ's
tickets contact 01517092148 - organised by Liverpool dockers.
15/10 - Brighton, 'The Brighton Gloucester': - "Rhymes of
Resistance", featuring DAM live, plus GMBabyz live and mixed sounds from
the Funkatech label. 9pm - 2am - Tickets: £4 before 11pm; £5 after. Cheap
drinks promotion!
16/10 - York, The Fibbers Club - DAM live plus The Unpeople live and
mixed sounds: see details at:
17/10 - London, Sahara Nights Club - Details to be confirmed: contact
18/10 - Burnley, Mechanics Theatre: DAM supporting a new collaborative
live performance by FunMental and the South African gospel choir,
TICKETS - £7 & £5 - box office: 01282 664400
Please note that all monies raised will go to who are in the process of building a new educational centre in the Rafah refugee camp.
‘DAM’ are the first Palestinian rap crew. Already the subject of an award-winning documentary film and the recipients of growing media attention both in the Middle East and beyond, the band combine the modern, urban sound of western rap music with traditional sounds culled from the Arab world. DAM which translates as ‘Continuation’ - employ powerful political lyrics which revolve around the racial discrimination and social marginalisation the band, as Palestinian citizens living within Israel’s 1948 borders, experience in their homeland.
With their independently released debut album, entitled ‘Min Irhabi’ or ‘Who’s the Terrorist?’ , DAM found themselves in the welcome, if unexpected, media spotlight with the likes of Rolling Stone magazine running feature length articles on them and Israel’s anti-establishment musicians inelegantly rushing to court them.
The Palestinian-UK educational charity Markaz At-Tanwir is bringing DAM to the UK in early October 2003 to play in London and potentially beyond in a series of fund- and awareness-raising performances.
All enquiries please contact - or 07919 134144
DAM: Who’s The Terrorist?
(© DAM Rights Reserved etc.)
Who’s the terrorist?
Am I the terrorist?
Me, a terrorist?
And I live in my homeland?
Who’s the terrorist?
You’re the terrorist!
You’ve taken everything I own in my land!
You have killed me,
And my ancestors.
You want me to go to the Law?
What for?, you’re the enemy!
You’re the witness,
The lawyer and the judge,
Destroying me,
Beginning my end.
You want to reduce our numbers.
Though we are a minority,
A minority to end up,
A majority in the cemetery!
You remind me of the Nazis!
Because you’ve raped the Arab soul,
And it became pregnant,
Giving birth to suicide bombers.
And then you call us terrorists!
You’ve killed and looted,
And when I accuse you…
You jump up and get defensive,
And complain when our children throw stones.
You ask: ‘Don’t they have parents to keep them at home?’
Did you forget that you’ve killed the parents?
And now that I’m hurting,
You call me a terrorist!
Who’s the terrorist?
Am I the terrorist?
Me, a terrorist?
And I live in my homeland?
Who’s the terrorist?
You’re the terrorist!
You’ve taken everything I own in my land!
Why am I a terrorist?
Because I’m not indifferent?
I’m hot-headed because I walk
With my head up high,
Trying to defend my land.
They killed my loved ones,
Now I’m alone;
My family was ‘dispersed’,
But I’ll keep on crying out loud!
I’m not against peace,
This peace is against me!
It wants to eliminate me,
Erase my heritage.
And he who dares to object,
He who musters the courage to speak up,
You turn him into a mean and miserable person…
Who the hell do you think you are?
Look at all the people you killed,
All the children you made orphans.
Our mothers weep,
Our fathers wail,
Our lands are robbed.
I’m telling you who you are:
You grew up in indulgence.
We grew up in poverty;
You grew up in spacious homes.
We grew up in slums.
He became a patriot,
And you made him a criminal;
Then you, the terrorist,
Have the nerve to call me a terrorist!
Who’s the terrorist?
Am I the terrorist?
Me, a terrorist?
And I live in my homeland?
Who’s the terrorist?
You’re the terrorist!
You’ve taken everything I own in my land!
When will I stop being a terrorist?
When you hit me on one cheek and I turn the other?
How do you expect me to thank the one who hurts me?
You know what? You tell me how you want me to be:
On my knees?
With my hands tied?
Eyes to the ground?
Bodies scattered everywhere?
Ruined homes?
Refugee families?
‘Free’ with handcuffs on?
Your wish is my command:
You kill, I’ll dig the graves,
We will suffer quietly,
We will hide our pain.
All that counts is that you feel secure
Relax, and leave the suffering to us,
Because our blood is the blood of dogs,
Even less.
When a dog bleeds,
Animal rights activists rise up;
Our blood is cheaper than the blood of dogs?
No, my blood in not cheap,
And I’ll defend myself,
Even if you call me a terrorist!
Who’s the terrorist?
Am I the terrorist?
Me, a terrorist?
And I live in my homeland?
Who’s the terrorist?
You’re the terrorist!
You’ve taken everything I own in my land!
9/10 - London: Scala Nightclub 8pm - 3am; DAM live plus 2 rooms of Asian
Underground and Arabic Sounds: Aki and D from FunMental performing
"Sounds of Mass Destruction": plus DJs including: Pandit-G of the ADF; DJ
Nerm of the Shiva Sound System; The 'Nation Records World Service'; DJ
U-Cef and DJ Yazid. TICKETS: £9 or £7 in advance - contact either

10/10 - Bristol : Malcolm X Centre St Paul’s, Bristol BS2 10pm - 4am
£6/5 concessions : DAM (direct from Palestine), Fun’da’mental,
Jalal Nuridin (from the original Last Poets) Oshin (57th Dynasty)
Bobafatt & Honeytrap, Klandestino (KFS) - organised by Kebele Kulture Projekt
12/10 - Birmingham at The Drum - DAM supporting a new collaborative live
performance by FunMental and the South African gospel choir, MIGHTY
ZULU NATION. Box Office: 0121 333 2444 or visit the drum website at:

14/10 - Liverpool, Bluecoat Arts Centre (£5 / £3) - DAM supported by local Bhangra DJ's
tickets contact 01517092148 - organised by Liverpool dockers.
15/10 - Brighton, 'The Brighton Gloucester': - "Rhymes of
Resistance", featuring DAM live, plus GMBabyz live and mixed sounds from
the Funkatech label. 9pm - 2am - Tickets: £4 before 11pm; £5 after. Cheap
drinks promotion!
16/10 - York, The Fibbers Club - DAM live plus The Unpeople live and
mixed sounds: see details at:

17/10 - London, Sahara Nights Club - Details to be confirmed: contact

18/10 - Burnley, Mechanics Theatre: DAM supporting a new collaborative
live performance by FunMental and the South African gospel choir,

TICKETS - £7 & £5 - box office: 01282 664400
Please note that all monies raised will go to

‘DAM’ are the first Palestinian rap crew. Already the subject of an award-winning documentary film and the recipients of growing media attention both in the Middle East and beyond, the band combine the modern, urban sound of western rap music with traditional sounds culled from the Arab world. DAM which translates as ‘Continuation’ - employ powerful political lyrics which revolve around the racial discrimination and social marginalisation the band, as Palestinian citizens living within Israel’s 1948 borders, experience in their homeland.
With their independently released debut album, entitled ‘Min Irhabi’ or ‘Who’s the Terrorist?’ , DAM found themselves in the welcome, if unexpected, media spotlight with the likes of Rolling Stone magazine running feature length articles on them and Israel’s anti-establishment musicians inelegantly rushing to court them.
The Palestinian-UK educational charity Markaz At-Tanwir is bringing DAM to the UK in early October 2003 to play in London and potentially beyond in a series of fund- and awareness-raising performances.
All enquiries please contact -

DAM: Who’s The Terrorist?
(© DAM Rights Reserved etc.)
Who’s the terrorist?
Am I the terrorist?
Me, a terrorist?
And I live in my homeland?
Who’s the terrorist?
You’re the terrorist!
You’ve taken everything I own in my land!
You have killed me,
And my ancestors.
You want me to go to the Law?
What for?, you’re the enemy!
You’re the witness,
The lawyer and the judge,
Destroying me,
Beginning my end.
You want to reduce our numbers.
Though we are a minority,
A minority to end up,
A majority in the cemetery!
You remind me of the Nazis!
Because you’ve raped the Arab soul,
And it became pregnant,
Giving birth to suicide bombers.
And then you call us terrorists!
You’ve killed and looted,
And when I accuse you…
You jump up and get defensive,
And complain when our children throw stones.
You ask: ‘Don’t they have parents to keep them at home?’
Did you forget that you’ve killed the parents?
And now that I’m hurting,
You call me a terrorist!
Who’s the terrorist?
Am I the terrorist?
Me, a terrorist?
And I live in my homeland?
Who’s the terrorist?
You’re the terrorist!
You’ve taken everything I own in my land!
Why am I a terrorist?
Because I’m not indifferent?
I’m hot-headed because I walk
With my head up high,
Trying to defend my land.
They killed my loved ones,
Now I’m alone;
My family was ‘dispersed’,
But I’ll keep on crying out loud!
I’m not against peace,
This peace is against me!
It wants to eliminate me,
Erase my heritage.
And he who dares to object,
He who musters the courage to speak up,
You turn him into a mean and miserable person…
Who the hell do you think you are?
Look at all the people you killed,
All the children you made orphans.
Our mothers weep,
Our fathers wail,
Our lands are robbed.
I’m telling you who you are:
You grew up in indulgence.
We grew up in poverty;
You grew up in spacious homes.
We grew up in slums.
He became a patriot,
And you made him a criminal;
Then you, the terrorist,
Have the nerve to call me a terrorist!
Who’s the terrorist?
Am I the terrorist?
Me, a terrorist?
And I live in my homeland?
Who’s the terrorist?
You’re the terrorist!
You’ve taken everything I own in my land!
When will I stop being a terrorist?
When you hit me on one cheek and I turn the other?
How do you expect me to thank the one who hurts me?
You know what? You tell me how you want me to be:
On my knees?
With my hands tied?
Eyes to the ground?
Bodies scattered everywhere?
Ruined homes?
Refugee families?
‘Free’ with handcuffs on?
Your wish is my command:
You kill, I’ll dig the graves,
We will suffer quietly,
We will hide our pain.
All that counts is that you feel secure
Relax, and leave the suffering to us,
Because our blood is the blood of dogs,
Even less.
When a dog bleeds,
Animal rights activists rise up;
Our blood is cheaper than the blood of dogs?
No, my blood in not cheap,
And I’ll defend myself,
Even if you call me a terrorist!
Who’s the terrorist?
Am I the terrorist?
Me, a terrorist?
And I live in my homeland?
Who’s the terrorist?
You’re the terrorist!
You’ve taken everything I own in my land!
Hide the following 4 comments
You are so one sided
02.10.2003 16:33
By the way while you are calling for Ariel Sharon to be tried for war crimes how about calling for Hamas, Hizbollah and Islamic Jihad to be tried for war crimes too?
Both sides have committed terrible atrocities in this war not just Israel!
Is the album available in UK?
02.10.2003 17:05
And, Cocksmell, it's always nice to know that someone like you can decide the difficult philosophical issues that trouble the rest of us.
The right of a state to defend itself.
So, because the Ottoman empire has ceased to exist, having suffered military and political defeat, it has no further right to defend itself?
I'm not suggesting that Palestinians are acting on behalf of a defunct state - I just wanted to pose the question:
If Israel was militarily defeated, would that be an end of the matter?
Please don't reply in terms of Israel's present-day military capability, as that would be an unpardonably wanky answer to a hypothetical question.
And in summary to your other points: Get back to the classroom, boy, and do not darken the door of my study again. Even Micro$oft's online dictionary would contain revelations for you.
Who else ...
02.10.2003 17:56
Are the palestinians accorded this right? Or do you cross them off the list because they have no viable state (due to the fact that israel stole it and has proceeded ever since to disrupt, destroy and sabotage ever effort to build one)?
Interesting that you note that israel has committed atrocities - I expect your controllers are none to pleased with you veering off message like that, could be that your monotonous, anonomous posts might be coming to an end ..
What israel has NO RIGHT to do (if one is interested at all in human rights treaties etc) is to occupy land that is someone elses; settle that land; displace those whose land it is; collective punish the civilian population of that land through depriving them of access to basic hygene, nutririon, medical services, community spaces, education a means of econic support etc etc; let alone brutalising, injuring and killing thousands in the process.
Until you and your controllers accept the fact that the movement for justice in Palestine is NOT going away, but is getting louder and stronger; until you and yours accept the fact that you have been continually lied to and exploited, emotionally, politically & economically; until you face up to the gross crimes committed in your name and because you lent your name to them; until the inheirent racism, mysogeny and xenophobia of judaism [and all the other 'god fearing' pathriachal sky ghost devotes) is examined and addressed ..
.. you and yours will be adrift of the tide of humanity, which is trying to better itself and of that society that believes in the power of human spirit independent of peripheral issues like skin colour, genital shape and sexual orientation ..
The really sad thing though, is the delusion you attempt to spread about your justification for that which cannot be justified by anything but selfish greed.
Your cut and paste reality has bored the pants off of this wire - and in the process has added NOTHING to the general sum of things known or understood - mission accomplished for you.
However, the sharp responses and analysis offered by others HAS contributed, and is the only thing that keeps your sorry arse from being booted back to the electronic bunker you inhabit.
cut and paste reality????????
10.01.2004 17:10
adrift on the tides of humanity???
jst because no one understands what your saying, doesn't mean its deep mate.
and its a wonder why the rest of the arab world do nothing to help their palestinian brothers. fact is the palestinians have more rights in israel than any other country in the middle east. the only funds palestinians recieve from other arab states is money given as payment to the families of suicide bombers.
selfish greed?..defendin your country is selfish greed?
im not justifying israel's actions, i believe all the extended settlements and that are wrong, however no one can can ever justify the actions of the hamas, hizbollah and other such groups.
and let me ask you this... if the palestinians through away all their weapons, again what would happen. and however is israel threw away all their weapons, again..wat wuld happen..
most israeli's have nothing against a creation of a palestinian state...unless it means that they will try to get rid of an israeli state under the title of an official palistinian army rather then terroist groups.
however thats just my opinion, and the israel-palestine conflict will never be resolved unless the israelis can ever come to realise a state of palestine and the palsetninians can come to realise the israeli state.