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When G W Bush comes to london....

Cat | 02.10.2003 12:05 | Bush 2003

As you see fit protesters block...

Block everyform of transport, obviously the streates and tube It doesent matter where he is if we can stop him going any where els particulary from going home.

If you can think of a way out for him post it so we can cover it.



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Show him you dislike him

02.10.2003 16:24

Bush have said that he does not read newspapers. So maybe he doesn't know that almost every human on this planet want him out of office today. Show him that, who ever is in London. Show him face to face that we the free world do not want his foreign policy to contiue anymore. Capisch.


Support for Bush

02.10.2003 22:09 rather large as there are lot of pigs in the USA and UK alone.

Face reality instead of existing in your bubble of bullshit!


USA needs help!

02.10.2003 22:42

Please protest without ceasing!! My country, US, has been taken over by madmen. We need your help.
