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Cardiff Activist Arrests Bomber Blair!

llantwit | 30.09.2003 16:24 | Anti-militarism

A peace protestor from Cardiff has performed a citizen’s arrest on the Prime Minister, Tony Blair.

The arrest took place during Blair’s speech to the labour party conference in Brighton today. He alerted a nearby police constable to the heinous war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the UK army during the war, and the continuing illegal occupation of Iraq.
Sadly the officer arrested the wrong man, and the activist (who prefers to remain anonymous at present) is currently sitting in a cell in Bournemouth police station.
The protestor commented: ‘I feel it is my duty as a citizen of the UK, and of the world, to make sure that Tony Blair is held accountable for the illegal and imoral war he has perpetrated.’
‘The war itself was an atrocious act of unilateral aggression against a sovereign state, and the campaign against the Iraqi people was highlighted by attacks on a non-combative population, non-military targets and defenceless towns, villages, settlements and buildings.’
‘This should not be allowed to stand.’
Greek lawyers have already filed a suit against Blair in the International Criminal Court because of the UK’s violations of international treaties like the United Nations Charter, the Geneva Conventions, the Hague Convention and the International Criminal Court's statute.
In the UK, any member of the public has the power to make a citizen’s arrest (under section 24 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984) if they know or suspect that someone is guilty of a crime.

Please circulate this news as widely as possible.



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BBC report on the arrest

01.10.2003 08:54

Made national news. BBC on the Telly stated that he was trying to perform a citizens arrest. The website is a lot poorer.

Well done!


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