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ID card database=electronic global fascism

dh | 30.09.2003 07:35

This is the main wished for facility for tracking and controlling people at all times. This is central to the plan and MUST BE OPPOSED NOW!
This is the ultimate goal and it's happening right now
Ever wonder why there's a mobile phone mast on every street corner?

The ID card has already been agreed to be data-based under the auspices of probable soon-to-be Prime Minister Brown,11026,1052414,00.html

This is a central plank to the establishment of the New World Order’s plans for a microchipped population and a cashless society
It’s only a few days ago we had the report that paedophiles were to receive tags which can track them to within 3 metres by global positioning satellites at any time and in any place in Britain,6903,1046614,00.html

Does anyone think there might be the slight possibility that the same facility will be included in the chip on the smart ID?

Remember Blunkett’s initial proposal for the (non)”entitlement card” to contain credit and debit facilities, way back in October 2001?
The goal of the NWO Gang is to make this national ID card a universal credit/debit/ID card that will replace all credit/debit/ID cards.
And people will be pissed off at having to pay shell out 40 quid or more. Then they’ll be losing them, damaging them, having them stolen, getting arrested because they left the damned thing at home – as people do
Eventually this universal card will be replaced by a microchip implanted in the right hand or the forehead.

This horrendous state of affairs is almost upon us – it aint no conspiracy theory it’s happening now
It’s happening under Blair/Bush it’ll happen under Brown/Wesley Clarke fronting the operation
It is VITAL that we organise to oppose this now.
A ‘poll tax’ must be made of this central attempt to impose global fascism



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Smart move

30.09.2003 09:09

Having to defend your timely article as not a conspiracy theory. Heh.

This is a real thing that is circulating among the party politicos under the name of National Entitlement Card. Many have already started boasting how the disenfranchised working class will
finally have all its woes eradicated with this "smart move"

It is not just Schlumberger. The other architects of the new world order tech dept. are at it in the UK and have already given the notion of having put in so much effort is too late now.....blahblahblah.
Cheyney's Haliburton's UK arm QinetiQ is another.

Already there are agents within the UK IMC structure and this is a happenning thing.



This was posted by conspiracy cranks!

30.09.2003 09:39

This post at the top was posted by Bible bashing conspiracy cranks. I have seen their literature and posters before. They believe that the whole world is controlled by the Illuminati an elite groups made up of the Freemasons high ranking businesses and elders of Zion and give quotes from the Bible about the end times. Don't believe their crap and confront them whenever they appear at demonstrations like Mayday. They are religous fanatics!


Hey ...

30.09.2003 09:58

.. rockwell, I don't appreciate having to do your job for you, so can you please include a reference to lizards as well ..

.. meanwhile .. return to your sofas, everything is as it should be .. nothing to see here ..

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30.09.2003 12:59

"Don't believe their crap and confront them whenever they appear at demonstrations like Mayday"

Rockwell the BNP troll, are you going to be at Mayday?

If so could you wear a badge so we know who you are, dont worry I am not threatning you or anything, I would jult like to point you out to my friends so we can all laugh!


its all a great big conspiracy!!!

30.09.2003 15:16

Its not fascism, its not a conspiracy. Its just the fact that governments love to increase their power, and should be opposed.

Conspiracy theorists recently said David Kelly was murdered by 'the globalists', but why would they murder a pro-war hawk?? And you might want to know that the conspiracy theorists say they're all for equal work equal pay for women (which still hasn't been attained at all), but that the feminist/women's liberation movement was in fact hijacked by the CIA for their great big conspiracy to get rid of the family (!!). They also say there was a Capitalist-Communist conspiracy and to take over the world, and tend not to like Jews.


For a second time,maybe

30.09.2003 21:46

right on,as usual, ram


You done a first

30.09.2003 22:34

Rockwell, I've never been called a multiple or a bible-basher before. Though at periods in my youth I could have taken a sledgehammer to the bible. Still, I'm more tolerant now.
Your definition of a conspiracy crank equates more closely to some nazi crank's theorising on some red-baiting nazi hate site. I seen 'em



01.10.2003 11:09

Do you realise that there can be different allegiances to different war mongers.
Why the free *masons and illuminati publicly fought it out just before the second white war.

Although it must be unfair to brand the Bahai ambitions alongside the likes of the illuminati and the likes do you realise chemical Kelly, now a confirmed spy too (big surprise Saddam Hussein was right at times too for kicking the 'UN inspectors' out as spies!) had his allegiances elsewhere.
The pigscum had aparently even confessed to a Bahai congregation months ago.

As for the rest of afdgf's rant, I did not even know such wild imaginative crap was being used to sabotage reality. Very entertaining. Afdgf would do better by checking out the link to the exclusive few global arms and oil traders connected to the proposed ID system as 'Private Finance Initiatives' (follow link below)

Anyway it is worth checking up on how the new labour conferences are prooving to be the launch pad for new world order. Who would have thought politicians with leftist begginings will be recruited. I wonder what has come of the ex-shadow home affairs secretary's 'crusade against free masonary within the police'?
Please checkout Pigscum Blair's speech on 'reordering the world' Oct, 03
and this year's action (so far)

Afdgf, it is simple as you think but what you propose as isolated authoratarian government control grab does not stand a chance against the overwhelming evidence and occurings out there.,11026,1052414,00.html

The story was picked up off '' linked off elsewhere on the newswire.


reply to ram

01.10.2003 15:34

Seriously ram theres no conspiracy at all. I've read through these things before and all they are is a few odd facts, with a few probably false facts and quotes, with maybe a quote from a famous conspiracy theorist, and then all the dots are linked, and then a conspiracy pattern is created and any fact is then added to that pattern. Eg. propagandamatrix kept claiming the Harry Potter books were part of a satanic new world order conspiracy.

The conspiracy theorist web sites also tend to be both ignorant and reactionary, and sometimes anti-semitic. They consider woman's liberation part of a conspiracy against the family and female and male identies (ie. get in the kitchen and make babies). They consider homosexuality a degeneracy and that the gay movement is run by the conspiracy guys to attack gender, family, etc. They also believe EU non-recogniction of God in their constitution is evidence of the atheist new world order conspiracy. Propagandamatrix even claimed that there was newworldorder indoctrionation in Frasier because it had ONE joke about conspiracy theorists! Propagandamatrix also thinks that the CIA put Castro and Mao in power and kept them in power to create a national enemy, presumably all the help given to Batista and assasination attempts on Castro are faked, and American support for the Chienese anti-communists and fighting in the Korean War was all part of the conspiracy.

They also think that the conspiracy is 'socialist', by which they mean Stalinistic, and have very ignorant views on it. Propagandamatrix said that socialism works in small numbers but in large numbers it doesn't, and people liking socialism is an appeal for everything to be run by someone else, despite the whole point of socialism is being against that.


Hold on

01.10.2003 20:55

So there is a website that seems to contain misinformation. I noticed a 'holographic aeroplanes on 9/11' story and thought it was just over the top.

Now how can one dismiss the reality based on any such 'over the top stuff' ?
It will be like saying because Saddam Hussein called Bush Sr. a 'Cocaine dealing piggish devil'
.......... I cannot use the clear reality part that is Bush Sr is a 'cocaine dealing pig'
I personally do not believe the pigscum is the devil or there is any such things like angles and devils. I also think that Saddam is a pigsum too.
Still there is no way I am not going to use few words/concepts/ideas just because someone I despise used it first.

Getting back ot the topic of the thread it is clear that part of the tactic for selling the idea of privacy violation through electronic means is new territory for all humans and for the forces of darkness 'over the top' conspiracy theories may proove to be handy ammunition. Still as far as I can tell dh has not provided any such ammunition.


I sometimes weary,Afdgf

01.10.2003 21:48 is a very good and up to date source of information and behind all the superficial silliness of what you recount, lie real stories. You just spin them out. The young Webmaster also acts as such for Alex Jones' Infowars and PrisonPlanet websites. In traditional leftist terms, a far-right militia-supporting stance. Well fuck the wings, why shouldn't people reserve the right to defend themselves against the state or other usurper. It's a question of getting a straight perspective
Ram, I posted that holographic 9/11 story up here. All visual evidence is invaluable. The WebFairy's website is a visual feast of information
Personally, I couldn't give a flying fuck if I give ammunition to anyone
On this wire as on many others, the agents are identifying themselves most readily!


Talking of foxy agents

01.10.2003 23:56

Although this warrants a new post due to high level of censorship tonight here it goes as something relevant to OUR electronic future.

It is with alarm I note dh's recent post on electronic voting through virtual blackbox get censored off the newswire.

Here is a good article

which incidently unravels through Essex/Hants based De La Rue the fallacy of electronic soultion suppliers and the betrayal of freedoms.

"Sequoia also has a colorful history, most recently in Louisiana, where it was the center of a massive corruption case that sent top state officials to jail for bribery, most of it funneled through Mob-connected front firms. Sequoia executives were also indicted, but escaped trial after giving immunized testimony against state officials. The company's corporate parent is the UK communications and printing firm De La Rue, which even as we speak is churning out the colonial currency notes for the new Iraq, courtesy of a hefty Coalition contract. De La Rue, in turn, is owned by the private equity firm Madison Dearborn--a partner of the Carlyle Group, where George Bush I makes millions....................."

Funny De La Rue, already well involved in the financial currency fiascos are providing ID solutions all over Africa as and when De Beers, the sustainers of apartheid (the best experiment so far on segregation by an ID system) has led the way. Sierra Leone, Angola ..... you name it they are standing 'shoulder to shoulder'.

dh: I disagree with not giving a damn about how the truth comes out. Please... this is not a request to 'spin' the truth. All I am trying to point out is that there is ample evidence out there to be presented first and thus avoid the automatic censorship from the agents/idiots.
Your post on electronic voting has been censored as "conspiracy theory" as I understand the pathetic justification.


the looking glass imagry

02.10.2003 05:40 tries to piece together the puzzle based on perceptional consciousness values...the illuminati vs "real world" struggle has intensified, with the illuminati watchers stating they can see the hidden hands and movements for themselves, without listening to anyone else...

the control grid has you, we are missing the point.

control DOES exist, that cannot be denied...the question is not "left wing NWO" or "right wing NWO"

the question is how come there IS a NWO when we were continually told there was NOT one.

what does that mean? is it relevant? what does it imply?

anything? nothing? conspiracy or the natural function of a system under "attack"?

If the unanswered question of 9/11 could be taken seriously by Journalists in the Mainstream, we would find out for sure.

Those opposed to this idea, are living in FEAR.

Adults will be leaving primary school education behind regardless...we are waking up whether we accept it or not.

saying Kelly was taken out because he broke the official secrets act would not be a conspiracy theory, it would be a plausible explanation...that's why it's in suggest otherwise would be to deny the function of the act...whether he was "public property" or not is don't say "For Queen and Country" then disobey that.

smokescreens work and are a standard tool in the Editorial Process of Media Organizations.

break up the message into different components, with complex and sometimes seemingly irrelevant angles.

just look at football clubs on the back page...anything outrageous or bad occuring can be explained away with a public relations exercise by the player, the manager, the chairman, the pundit, the fans...

speculation stories work in similar fashion..."it's just business, cattle prods and the IMF"...

i've said enough now. it's supposed to be a short comment.

by the way, the certificate on your site is "not trusted" by my browser...control comes in many forms.

mavis analogue
"when you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect" mark twain

mavis analogue
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02.10.2003 06:47

Would you believe that a middle class agent has censored too.


Oooops I stand corrected

03.10.2003 18:12

QinetiQ are Bush's (Sr.) Carlyle group run not Cheyney's Halliburton run although Haliburton are in the UK big time and they are not dealing in cod liver oil.


Please read the full article ?

04.10.2003 16:16

"..The government eventually plans to link state vaccine tracking systems together to create a government operated electronic database monitoring everyone’s medical records, including vaccination status, from birth. (One federal proposal would link a national ID "smartcard" to a driver’s license and health care or a job.) Individual legislators at both the state and federal levels have already proposed tax penalties for citizens who don’t fully vaccinate their children...."

The Challenge to Mass Vaccination (part 2)
