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Association for One Democratic State in Palestine/Israel - Colorado

John S. | 29.09.2003 21:44 | Anti-racism

The international Association for One Democratic State in Palestine/Israel - - is preparing to initiate a membership drive. In order to aid this effort, a number of existing members in Colorado have formed the first international section of the Association. We hope this is the first in a series of sections among one state supporters in other states, provinces, and countries around the world.

Association for One Democratic State in Palestine/Israel - Colorado

The international Association for One Democratic State in Palestine/Israel - - is preparing to initiate a membership drive. In order to aid this effort, a number of existing members in Colorado have formed the first international section of the Association. We hope this is the first in a series of sections among one state supporters in other states, provinces, and countries around the world.

For those of you that have reached the same conclusion - that a two-state solution is no longer possible in Palestine/Israel - and are changing their advocacy efforts to call for one democratic secular state for all its people based on a principle of one man, one vote, and equal opportunity, please take a look at what we are doing and consider joining the Association.

John S.
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Hide the following 11 comments!

30.09.2003 21:08

It seems to me you have only a few *small* (yes, that's sarcasm!) hurdles to clear to make this happen:

1) The continued slaughter of innocent Israeli citizens by Paleo suicide terrorists;
2) The continued belief of many of the more radical Islamics that the very EXISTENCE of Jewish people is incompatable with the "Holy" (yeah, REALLY "Holy") Koran;
3) The existance of Arafat--he's not likely to walk away from the money and power his current position affords him;

Once you figure out a REALISTIC way to handle those hurdles, you should be good to go!

Flaming Sword

.. talk about being unbalanced!

01.10.2003 09:06

Are you incapable of recognising that there are innocent deaths mounting on both sides?

Are you ignorant of the place that jewish teachings and literature has in the islamic faith?

Do you think Arrafat CAN walk away (and if you want indications of corruption - take a look at sharons bank account, goverment and family!!!)


mail e-mail:

Hey Jack(ass)

01.10.2003 22:12

Pay attention--the subject was about efforts to make ONE state out of that mangled region. Its not going to happen (largely) because of the obstacles I listed.

Meanwhile, bigmouth, why don't you enlighten us all as to just WHAT "Jewish teachings and literature" JUSTIFIES strapping explosives around one's waist and igniting the same in a crowd of unarmed civillians?

What a fool *you* are, jackass.

Flaming Sword

ooh you're so butch

02.10.2003 16:33

'Flaming Sword' - As soon as I read the name you'd picked, it conjured up an image in my mind of just what a big brave heroic man you must be. And you enjoy watching PaliFascist schoolkids getting gunned down like what they ask for... take me now, big boy!


Example please

02.10.2003 17:53

And of course you can provide an example or two of "watching PaliFascist schoolkids getting gunned down", right?

Flaming Sword

Of course

02.10.2003 22:55

Ever read *anything* by someone who's actually been in occupied Palestine, "Flaming Sword"?


Lots, Z

03.10.2003 16:12

Read plenty, Z. Just to clarify, are you actually going to allege that the IDF goes *hunting* for school children? (I don't HAVE to *allege* that about the Paleos--it is a well-documented FACT that they routinely wander into crowds of unarmed civillians and blow themselves up with the stated desire of killing as many as possible.)

Flaming Sword

A bit late I know ...

06.10.2003 18:52

.. but better late than never.

Well, flaming sword (if that is your real name - snarful snarful!), it seems that I am paying attention.

You list three reasons why one state will not work - all of them in their own peculiar way with facets of the truth about them - but only just.

You mention the "continued slaughter of innocent Israeli citizens by Paleo suicide terrorists" - and yet when I mention that you could perhaps spare some of your limited sympathy for the victims of israeli aggression and terror also (which outnumber israeli deaths by some considerable amount) you state that I am off message. Very revealing, it seems that the problem revolves only around israeli casualties!

Your next reason has to do with the existance of certain islamic groups and their attitude towards the existance of a jewish state.

Well yes, there are islamic extremists - but by definition alone, they are at the extreme end of islamic thinking. Long before you get to them you have a mainstream Islam that still refers to the teachings contained within the jewish holy books in reverent terms (and indeed refer to jews in general as the people of the book). A good way to make sure that extremists on both sides continue to gain ground is to radicalise the youth by a process known as oppression.

And if you want a good idea of the extremism of jewish thinking [some] then the language is very revealing - which refers to non-jews as less than human, justifies any and all actions that allow jews to dominate, don't regard theft and murder of non jews as a problem etc etc.

But I am sure you will still want to believe that your sky ghost is bigger than their sky ghost - so go ahead knock yourself out.

Lastly you rant on message about the supposed corruption of arrafat & co.

Well a lot of the hype around this issue is baseless - but is predicated on that old goebbbles line of repeating the lie louder and longer for it to be mistaken for the truth by those who allow others to do their thinking and reseach for them. I also note you were conspicuous in your avoidence of this notion when reminded that the biggest political corruption scandle in Palestine/israel recently involved the butcher of shatila and family. Still if I had raised three points so obviously lacking in analysis and sustainability, I would probably slink away from acknowledging it by resorting to theatrical and purile abuse too [not].

As for the issue around the targeting of children - well look at the numbers of juveniles that have been killed a sthe result of a single bullet to the head or the heart - the caliber of shot used point to the use of dedicate sniper weapons, the entry and exit wounds, as well as the path of the projectile through the flesh of these youngsters, point towards the optimum distance and elevation for single shot targets and the reports of the crack of the shot being heard only after the bodies have fallen suggest that the target was predetermined not by its aggressive or threatening presence but by opportunity.

Off course so much eveidence turns you off doesn't it?

Adds grey to your black and white ideas about them and us ...

... but them thats your problem pal.

No justice no peace.

mail e-mail:

No peace, no negotiations

09.10.2003 16:40

First of all, let's address the reality of that LAME tag line you place at the end of your posts ("No justice, no peace.") I'm sure you pat yourself on the back everytime you type that trite saying, but even you must surely concede that the Paleo's violent streak has done absolutely NOTHING to advance their cause. In fact, it has recently resulted in giving Israel the opportunity to withdraw from even NEGOTIATING with the Paleos. As a result, it might be better if you and the Paleos were to realize that "No peace, no Negotiations" might be a more accurate description of the current state of affairs.

You drone on and on about what you perceive as inequities in the current situation, but you fail to realize that Israel holds all of the pertinent cards here. They have a FAR superior military machinery; the continued suicide attacks against Israel have caused the US to back away from actively restraining Israel (as evidenced by Israel's free run into Syria); the wall will continue to be constructed so long as there is no negotiating being done to reverse that situation.

So it really comes down to this: The Paleos MUST real in their violent thugs or Israel will simply complete the wall while systematically taking out one by one by one what they perceive to be the architects of Paleo terror (both within and outside of its borders--the gloves are off as they should have been a VERY long time ago).

Flaming Sword

..pah ...

16.10.2003 19:01 haven't presented an argument, merely stated that you believe you have a right to be a bully because you have the bigger stick!

If you really cared about those innocents suffering (even if only the ones you identify as being 'yours') then you would care a lot more about negotiation and a lot less about dominating, winning or holding onto the things stolen from others.

But you don't.

Therefore there will be no justice, because there is no peace.

If you have a problem with that syllogism then ... its your problem. The facts remain the same.

mail e-mail:

Study some history, Jack

27.10.2003 19:56

You wrote:

"If you really cared about those innocents suffering (even if only the ones you identify as being 'yours') then you would care a lot more about negotiation and a lot less about dominating, winning or holding onto the things stolen from others."

Excuse me Jack, but the territory wasn't "stolen". The territory fell to Israeli hands when Israel was ruthlessly ATTACKED by its neighbors. Once the territory fell, it has been offerred to Arafat numerous times as part of a permanent peaceful solution, but Arafat has blocked every effort to negotiate an agreement. He is even so disingenuine as to make "peaceful" overtures in English and then followed up with comments in Arabic that make it quite clear that there will NEVER be an agreement reached until Israel is destroyed. Want the links Jack?

With regard to your other comment"

"If you have a problem with that syllogism then ... its your problem. The facts remain the same."

I would reply: What the hell do you know about *facts* Jack? Have you even done the tiniest bit of study?

No negotiations, no peace.

Flaming Sword