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15 Photos of London End Occupation Demo 270903

Hugh Mann (planetfrog) | 29.09.2003 08:06 | No War F15 | Anti-militarism | London | World

Here's my second attempt to post these pics. Administrators - please delete my last attempt as the pics didnt upload properly.

Many thanks to everyone who made my day a good one on saturday, and blessings to everyone around the world who joined in this struggle.
Thank you for existing!

Hugh Mann

read my article at

read my article at

Hugh Mann (planetfrog)
- e-mail:


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29.09.2003 08:33

last attempt!



29.09.2003 09:33

I've got some lovely pics to share but can't seem to upload them. They are under 20meg, and all Jpegs. If anyone has an email address I can post them to who knows how to crack my problem and post them for me I'd be grateful.


Hugh ( frog )

Hugh Mann
mail e-mail: