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Voice of the People - video interviews from Palestine Rally

people | 27.09.2003 07:14 | Social Struggles | London

[UK, London, Saturday 17th May 2003]

On Saturday 17th May thousands of British people marked the 55th anniversary of the Nakba, - the expulsion of the Palestinians when their land was stolen to create Israel, by converging on Trafalgar Square in London for a rally demanding an end to zionist occupation and for freedom for Palestine. The huge crowds reflected the broad base of support for the Palestinian cause in British society. The rally was organised by the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign and supported by a host of pro-justice organisations.

Journalist John Pilger, actors Juliet Stevenson and Corin Redgrave, and Sophie Hurndall the sister of the British photographer shot in the head by the Israeli army, were among the distinguished speakers to address the rally. We have provided all of the speeches below (around 30 speeches in real audio format) for you to listen to or download.

On Saturday 17th May thousands of British people marked the 55th anniversary of the Nakba, - the expulsion of the Palestinians when their land was stolen to create Israel, by converging on Trafalgar Square in London for a rally demanding an end to zionist occupation and for freedom for Palestine. The huge crowds reflected the broad base of support for the Palestinian cause in British society. The rally was organised by the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign and supported by a host of pro-justice organisations.

Journalist John Pilger, actors Juliet Stevenson and Corin Redgrave, and Sophie Hurndall the sister of the British photographer shot in the head by the Israeli army, were among the distinguished speakers to address the rally. We have provided all of the speeches below (around 30 speeches in real audio format) for you to listen to or download.

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You ignore the reason why Palestine is occupied in the first place

27.09.2003 09:41

The occupied terrortries are occupied by Israel because Israel has been under threat from hostile neighbours for decades and is currently targetted on a daily basis by suicide bombers. It can withdraw from the occuppied terrortries until hostilities against it cease. It has to maintain a tough security situation if it is under attack, and means keeping troops in the occupied terrortries and the building of a defensive wall.

Thousands and thousands of Israels have been killed and injured in the troubles aswell but no one who is pro Palestine ever mentions this. Every country has a right to defend itself from hostile attacks! For example in 1982 Israel had to invade Lebanon because Lebanon was being used by the PLO to launch terrorist attacks on Ireal! Therefore it had to invade to drive out the PLO who were at war with Isreal. If you want to blame people for the troubles in the Middle East then blame the PLO, Hamas and Hizbollah!

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Oh Rockwell Rockwell Rockwell ...

27.09.2003 10:49

... Your little anonomous scrawls are so envigorating ..

..They make one concentrate on the facts just to see how it is YOU keep missing them!



..israel stole the land
..israel brutalised the people that lived on the land

Can't get over that can you?

In response, the people of Palestine resist .. perhaps they make mistakes in doing it, perhaps some have their hearts mishapened in doing so and end up recapitulating the terror experienced and sending back badly packaged to produce more terror ..

Still - the only workable solution to end this cycle is for israel to get the hell out of the occupied territories (and when the yankie money runs out they will have no choice).

Until then, resistance - armed or otherwise - is legitimate.

Following this, israel - if it still exists - will have to make reparation for the destruction and theft.

No justice no peace.

mail e-mail:


27.09.2003 11:57

The reason why Israel attacked Lebanon was to disperse the Nakba refugees that were gathering on the Northern border, and to embitter relations between them and the local population.

Israel wanted to extend its border ( to fulfil biblical prophcy) to the Litani river and wished to install a Christian state which it could ally itself with (Maronite / Phalangists) - these Christians commited many grave attrocities agaianst the palestinian refugees which to this day are more or less forgotten.

As all arabs know when one of theirs is killed it hardly registers on the Western medias radar but when a Jewish life is taken...

ps- thanks for uploading these interviews

alvin hall

"Israel, We Bless Thee"

27.09.2003 15:02

if someone could translate this to french, that would be great. thanks a lot.

"Israel, We Bless Thee"

By Mark Glenn

Today, while driving through town, I wound up behind a minivan that had a big sticker on the back. The sticker had an Israeli flag in the middle of it, and under it the quotation from the book of Genesis that reads "I will bless those who bless thee."

I would like to take this time to list my own reasons for thanking and blessing Israel, our lone ally in the Middle East, for everything she has done for us, since I am quite sure most Americans are unaware of just what kind of friend she has been to us.

For extorting from me and my fellow Americans $4,000,000,000.00 a year for the last 4 decades, we bless thee.

For taking our most sophisticated weapons technology and stealing it for yourself without paying the American patent holders, we bless thee.

For taking that high-tech military technology and selling it to our enemies, such as the Russians and Chinese, thus further endangering us, we bless thee.

For using that weaponry in a sustained attack against a United States ship, the USS Liberty, in an attempt to sink her, thus preventing US servicemen from revealing to the rest of the world information concerning the war crimes they witnessed you commit against Egyptian soldiers in the Sinai Desert during the Six Day War, we bless thee.

For killing 35 and wounding 170 American sailors aboard the USS Liberty, we bless thee.

For bribing the United States government into covering it up, preventing any justice from being done for the benefit of the families of the lost sailors - as well as the American People, we bless thee.

For sending your agents into Egypt and blowing up American buildings for the purpose of blaming the Arabs in an event known as the Lavon Affair, we bless thee.

For sending your agents into Libya during the Reagan administration, and broadcasting radio messages in Arabic that were designed to sound like "terrorist cell planning" so that the US would initiate military strikes against Khadafi, we bless thee.

For withholding information from us concerning the planned attacks against the US Marine barracks in Lebanon, attacks you knew about through your moles in the Islamic world and about which you deliberately refused to warn us in order to further your interests against the Arabs, we bless thee.

For employing Jonathon Pollard, an American serviceman paid to spy for Israel in order to steal even more of our National Security secrets for your parasitic purposes, we bless thee.

For blackmailing President Clinton through one of your sayanim, Monica Lewinsky, in order to prevent a coherent peace program from being pushed forward between yourself and the Palestinian people whom you have brutalized and murdered for the last 50 years, we bless thee.

For breaking every agreement you have made with your Arab neighbors, stealing their land, displacing, murdering, and treating them like the animals you see them as, we bless thee.

For using your agents within the first Bush administration to involve us in the first Gulf War, causing the deaths of American men and women, and exposing our servicemen to whatever bioweapons were and are responsible which have led to Gulf War Syndrome, we bless thee.

For your role in the September 11 attacks in this country, and for blackmailing and bribing the US government into deporting back to Israel the 100 or more intelligence agents that were arrested after the attacks, we bless thee.

For supressing the information from the American people of your involvement in the September 11 attacks and sending us in the wrong direction in search of answers, we bless thee.

For using one of your agents in the US Army Weapons Lab to steal anthrax and distribute it into our mail system, terrorizing US citizens and killing several in order to blame the Arabs, we bless thee.

For using your agents in the US Government, namely, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Abrams, and the rest into initiating this war in the Middle East so that you could bring to heel all the enemies you have made during the last 50 years, we bless thee.

For using your agents in the media to lie to us on a minute by minute basis about the war, lying to us as to how "just" this cause is, and what the real reasons behind it are, we bless thee.

For using your agents in the Christian Evangelical community, such as Falwell, Graham, Swaggert, and the rest who praise you as God's chosen people and further keep Americans in the dark about who you really are, what you have done, and what you are truly about, we bless thee.

For bringing idiots like Limbaugh, Liddy, Hannity, Beck, O'Reilly and Savage to the forefront as paid liars who will support you and further lead Americans astray, we bless thee.

For making America your attack dog, and for sending her sons and daughters to fight and die in all your future wars, we bless thee.

For using your influence in the media to hide the real statistics about the war, the dead and wounded on both sides, we bless thee.

For using us in such a way that not only further inflames the Arab world against us, but as well has succeeded in our alienating ourselves against those nations with whom we have been friendly for over a century, we bless thee.

And finally, for using your influence in our media and academia to flood our minds with pornography and lies, as well as inculcating in us a hatred for our history, religion, and culture, for dividing our nation between races and sexes, and for releasing into our society all of your plagues and filth that have left us a rotted out corpse of a once great nation, oh Israel, our friend,

We Bless Thee.

By Mark Glenn
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