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Berlosconi -- a modern European fascist

ram | 26.09.2003 22:55 | Culture | Indymedia | Repression

Surely there is somethig fishy in censoring this link.
Is it my comment that did it? Then you remove my comment! Not the whole valid article!!!

This is quite big news for today in most news services I saw today.
They all carry their take on Berlosconi's award.

There has been quite a lot of criticism of this action by a well known Zionist lobby group in the US.
The latest critics include prominent Jewish scholars many Italian Jewish organisations.

This is very relevant to us as the pigscum is the current chief of the EU.
He has been abusing this position by influencing many laws and rulings.

Come on even the ADL does not like the man.... they just want to use him and he wants to be used.
At the Anti-Defamation League's Tuesday-night dinner to honor Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi, the crowd gave a resounding applause when ADL national director Abraham Foxman announced, "I like Bush. I like Sharon. And Silvio Berlusconi, we are delighted to have you here tonight." But the solidarity of the moment did not extend far beyond the Plaza Hotel Ballroom.
Speakers at the event praised Berlusconi for supporting the recent American invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. During his speech, Berlusconi thanked the United States for ridding Italy of fascism during World War II.

In going ahead with the ceremony as planned, Foxman repeatedly said that Berlusconi's support of Israel and the United States is more significant than a few poorly considered comments.

"This man has stood by America," Foxman said. "This man has been upfront on fighting terrorism. This man is the only clear voice on support and understanding of Israel [in Europe]. When there have been explosions of antisemitism, this man has been right out there on the front. For all these things, we are paying tribute to him."



Display the following 23 comments

  1. Milione firme — ram
  2. Hidden because — Tom
  3. Thanks Tom — ram
  4. berlusconi and ram — sfsdfa
  5. Sad And Dangerous Development — James Venables
  6. In defence of the IMC editors — Aim Here
  7. In Defence Of Free Speech — James Venables
  8. It's editing, not censorship — Aim Here
  9. Steadily Reducing Freedom — James Venables
  10. Aim Here Is Not Fit To Moderate — James Venables
  11. Missing the point — Z
  12. Where's The Fire — James Venables
  13. discussion not invective — fortune
  14. Fake Commentary — James Venables
  15. Just for the record — Aim Here
  16. Idiot Spin & Weak Assumptions — James Venables
  17. Disapointed — Disapointed
  18. Middle Class Wankers? — James Venables
  19. Round and round we go... — Aim Here
  20. Flogging Your Own Dead Horse — James Venables
  21. Disapointed — Disapointed
  22. Berlisconi — Mungo
  23. Anyone Still Here? — James Venables