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Cambridge IndyMedia makes its way onto paper

Voluntary Slave | 26.09.2003 21:40 | Indymedia | Cambridge

Cambridge IndyMedia has been contemplating producing a paper version, and we've made a draft (attached to this article). It's an ultra-simple attempt to get features and news-wire stories to people who either don't know about or don't have access to the Web site.

If you have any comments, particularly about layout and story selection, or you can see any mistakes, please post them so we can get it fixed before we start distributing it around the town. Also, any suggestions for a name (or objections to the current name) would be gratefully recieved.
An editable version for the open source DTP programme Scribus ( can be found at

Voluntary Slave
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where can i find it?

27.09.2003 15:42

Is there a pdf or text version people can read without installing software? :)


PDF Version

27.09.2003 17:02

I thought I'd attached a PDF to the article, but it doesn't seem to have worked. You can find it at

Voluntary Slave

Brilliant :-)

27.09.2003 19:57

I love it. Can I start printing and distributing it?


Some comments

28.09.2003 13:34

Very nice production!
Some comments:
* The URL on the top of the first page is wrong (doh). There should be a .uk at the end.
* Very cool layout at the top (logo, Issue ate, title, Url)
* The black block (sic) with the description of what IMC CAm does not have enough space aroiund the text. Woult it be possible to have smaller letters and spacing so that the block occupies only the hight of the rest of the logo? Maybe bold lettering so that it is easier to read?
* The bottom of the second column (start of Gillete story) is not justified.
* Links: Too much empty blackness, byt I am not sure what to do about it. Also typo in IndyMeda*!

* I really like the bold intro in The last article, maybe we should do this for all of them.

I really love it!


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