protest planned for Bush visit to London in November
ananova article re-entitled | 25.09.2003 11:06 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation
Bush to visit Britain, say anti-war campaigners
President Bush is to make a state visit to Britain in November according to anti-war protesters who promise the US leader a hot reception.
Buckingham Palace is expected to make an official announcement about the four-day full ceremonial visit on Tuesday, according to the Stop the War Coalition.
Tony Benn, a vcritic of the war in Iraq, said the people of Britain would be outraged by the news.
"President Bush will not be welcome in Britain. His war has killed thousands of people and left Iraq in chaos and now Iraq's assets are to be sold off on the world market," he said.
"I hope that when he comes public opinion will express itself against those policies again."
The Stop The War Coalition says it will organise huge protests against Mr Bush's presence on British soil.
Spokesman John Rees said: "The Blair government is adding insult to injury by extending this invitation to George Bush.
"The majority of people in this country believe there was no justification for this war with, Iraq but now their taxes will pay for the war-monger-in-chief to be treated like some sort of British war hero.
"We will mobilise protests which I believe will have the potential to rival our largest previous protests."
A Buckingham Palace spokesman refused to confirm or deny the reports of a visit by President Bush. Any visit would only be staged following advice from the government.
President Bush is to make a state visit to Britain in November according to anti-war protesters who promise the US leader a hot reception.
Buckingham Palace is expected to make an official announcement about the four-day full ceremonial visit on Tuesday, according to the Stop the War Coalition.
Tony Benn, a vcritic of the war in Iraq, said the people of Britain would be outraged by the news.
"President Bush will not be welcome in Britain. His war has killed thousands of people and left Iraq in chaos and now Iraq's assets are to be sold off on the world market," he said.
"I hope that when he comes public opinion will express itself against those policies again."
The Stop The War Coalition says it will organise huge protests against Mr Bush's presence on British soil.
Spokesman John Rees said: "The Blair government is adding insult to injury by extending this invitation to George Bush.
"The majority of people in this country believe there was no justification for this war with, Iraq but now their taxes will pay for the war-monger-in-chief to be treated like some sort of British war hero.
"We will mobilise protests which I believe will have the potential to rival our largest previous protests."
A Buckingham Palace spokesman refused to confirm or deny the reports of a visit by President Bush. Any visit would only be staged following advice from the government.
ananova article re-entitled
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More info on the warmongers visit
25.09.2003 11:16
PRESIDENT George W Bush is to make a full state visit to Britain after weeks of top-secret talks, The People can reveal.
But the American leader's trip is certain to infuriate anti-war protesters - and potentially inflict further damage on Tony Blair's popularity.
Anger over the invasion of Iraq is thought to be behind Labour's shock defeat in last week's Brent East by-election and the PM is already seen by many as Mr Bush's pet poodle.
News of the four-day visit in November will be formally announced on Tuesday by Buckingham Palace - where Mr Bush will stay with First Lady Laura.
The invitation is designed to reinforce our special relationship with America but any anti-war scenes will be embarrassing.
US secret service agents have already said the President must stay at Buckingham Palace rather than Windsor Castle following security blunders that allowed intruder Aaron Barschak to gatecrash Prince William's 21st birthday bash.
"Buckingham Palace can be policed more securely than Windsor," said a royal insider. "No one wants to take any risks with such a high-profile visit."
Protocol dictates that Mr and Mrs Bush stay in the sumptuous Belgian Suite, just as Vladimir Putin did in June.
Mr Bush is the first US president to make a full state visit since the Queen was crowned more than 50 years ago.
He will get a full ceremonial welcome, an honour not even granted to Ronald Reagan during his friendship with Margaret Thatcher as the Cold War raged. Mr Bush will address both Houses of Parliament and pay his respects at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Westminster.
He and Mrs Bush will also be treated to a state banquet at the Palace - with the Queen and Tony Blair invited to a return bash at the American ambassador's home in Regent's Park.
The President may also attend a Remembrance Sunday ceremony. Mr Bush last came to Britain in July 2001. Although he dined with the Queen it was not classed as a state visit.
So get organising now, it's about time some definate direct action is taken by the Stop The War Coalition instead of the useless marches from A to B.
Can Weblogs Chase Bush Out of Britain?
25.09.2003 12:52
To collectively voice our displeasure at the impending arrival of George W Bush in the UK and in doing so either sour the experience or prevent his arrival.
George W. Bush has already cancelled one visit to this country because he felt more than a little unwelcome. The man is terribly secretive about state visits, but Laura Bush recently let slip that a visit to the UK is being planned sometime in autumn. Our aim is to give the man the bum's rush before he even arrives and/or show him exactly what we think of him in the finest British tradition.
Baring Your Bum
If you hear of a visit to your part of town or happen to see George W Bush, bare your arse in his general direction. Don't be afraid to wiggle it about a bit and maybe even spread your cheeks; this is a political statement you're making and you don't want to do things by halves, now do you?
Stop the Stop the War Coalition
25.09.2003 13:07
Anti Anti War!
25.09.2003 13:17
Ordinary British people hate Bush because he's a stupid Yank but some get fooled by Marxist-liberals like Stop the War into supporting all sorts of political-correct bollocks. We should organise counter-demos against the StW/SWP wankers!
Stop the Blame game and Mobilise
25.09.2003 13:32
Fionn Makool
Stoppit! Listen to yourselves!
25.09.2003 13:53
"Ordinary British people hate Bush because he's a stupid Yank but some get fooled by Marxist-liberals like Stop the War into supporting all sorts of political-correct bollocks. We should organise counter-demos against the StW/SWP wankers!"
Jesus. I must be dreaming. "Marxist-liberals"???
I knew that IMC attracts all sorts of loonies, but this really takes the biscuit.
It would be INSANE to reveal this level of pathetic prolier-than-thou division to the right wing press and the pro-war gits.
(I suspect that the revolting "Rockwell" is actually behind the "autonomous" post, just look at comments like "political-correct bollocks" - this is clearly a reactionary arsehole writing, and I suspect from his "analysis" a BNP member).
Counter-demos. Yeah, just what we need. Bush comes to Britain to gloat about mass murder and instead of righteous anger at the killer-in-chief swanning around all we see is one section of the left attacking another. Again.
Any idea of the damage that pictures of a "counter-demo" against the official peace movement would do? How the likes of the Sun would gloat??
Are you working for the CIA? Probably failed the interview.
By all means do your own thing. I support direct action alongside events of mass mobilisation. But don't sabotage the STWC. It is NOT just the
SWP. There are CND members, Greens, communists, socialists and anarchists of all description. Not to mention Muslims, Jews, Christians, Lib Dems and even a couple of Tories.
This is a mass movement, despite the composition of some local STWC branches.
Anyone who thinks otherwise is tragically ignorant and is insulting the thousands of dedicated people who actually (no, really) OPPOSE THE WAR!
To claim that the coalition has "failed" is rubbish. It introduced hundreds of thousands of first-timers to activism and mounted the biggest demonstration in the history of Britain!
We need all forms of protest, not this pathetic and sectarian whinging from a bunch of no-marks who, it would seem, would be better off wanking each other off in balaclavas than trying to make a serious contribution to the fascist takeover of the world.
Ignore all agent provocvateurs! Unite! Unite, for fucks sake. The enemy is obvious and its not the bloody SWP!!!
Christ, sometimes you lot make me mad. When will we learn?
Anti-posturing posers League
26.09.2003 08:44
'stop the Stop the War Coalition from fucking up' is more like it.
Join the George W. Bush NOT WELCOME Pretzel Campaign
04.11.2003 12:20
is planning to visit the United Kingdom from Wednesday 19th to Friday the 21st of November.
We are asking all those who believe that the UK was brought to war under false
pretense, that Tony Blair lied to Parliament and the people about the threat from Iraq,
that he brought the UK to war against the will of the vast majority of the population, and that George W. Bush, together with Tony Blair, is responsible for launching an illegal, unjust and immoral war
to participate in the 'George W. Bush NOT WELCOME Pretzel Campaign'.
Visit the website to see how you can participate and for a list of
protest events surrounding Bush's visit.
Pretzels en masse please
10.11.2003 15:10
Bush/Blair coalition
12.11.2003 17:29
Ian Powell
e-mail: France
What wrong with you poeple?
14.11.2003 17:27
I didn’t see many people protesting on the streets about the countless genocides that have occurred around the world in the last 10 years. Why is that? Simply, because you just don’t care. It never interested you.
I see right through you and your playground logic.