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NZ Broadcaster calls Kofi Annan A Cheeky Darkie

Humanitarian | 24.09.2003 23:46 | Anti-racism | London

Senior NZ Broadcaster's comments reveal the extent of racism, prejudice and intolerance in Clean, Green New Zealand

From: New Zealand Herald

"That Kofi Annan, I've got to say to you, has been a very cheeky darkie overnight. He's been a very cheeky darkie. It's all very well giving a darkie that secretary-general job but we'll only take so much [laughs] I'm sorry, we will only take so much.

"We're not going to be told how to live our lives by a Ghanaian. They're a model aren't they, to how to live your life, to how to run a country. Mr Nkrumah, remember him ... 1957 the Prime Minister of Ghana ... We're not going to be told by a Ghanaian too much.

"Mr Annan says the collectivity of the United Nations kept the peace for 58 years. Hang on a minute about that 58 years. Where does Mr Annan get that idea? Where does that darkie bloke get that idea? What about the oppressed states of Eastern Europe for 50 years who endured the Communist boot for 50 years? What about the heart of Africa? How much peace was kept there? The nuclear bombs kept the peace for 58 years in states like Russia and France.

"That Mr Kofi Annan. That cheeky darkie should ask the people of Rwanda how the United Nations kept the peace for 58 years. The people of the Congo or the people of Zimbabwe or the oppressed people of South Africa or the people of Mozambique, Angola, Sudan, Somalia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Bosnia, Kosovo. They had peace for 58 years? You've got to think about what these people say, this is nonsense."


At about 8.15am, Dr Brian Edwards comes on to the show for a regular weekly discussion about the news media and brings up the topic of how journalism is becoming the domain of women. Dr Edwards says that there are far more women bylines in newspapers than men, saying it is a marked change in the gender profile of the media.

Holmes: Do you think it's making our journalism ignorant and bitchy do you think?

Edwards: No, I don't think so.

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Don't jump to conclusions

29.09.2003 21:36

Just because one broadcaster makes racist comments doesn't mean the whole country is. Do you want the whole of the UK to be judged by the example of Richard Littlejohn? Paul Holmes is an individual who holds no official position and he has been castigated for his comments throughout New Zealand. Your slurs on a country because of the comments of one man are as racist as his are.

Paul Catmur
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Cheeky Darkie

30.09.2003 00:20

What people don't realise in this PC Correct anal retentive world, is that there are many New Zealanders absolutely sick to death of being taken for fools by the so=called natives of New Zealand. The brown economy is being driven by greed and sooner or later there will be a reaction that is frightening to contemplate. I am not a racist but I am definitely anti-Treaty and all the problems it is now causing in New Zealand. I believe Mr. Holmes comments were a deeply held reaction to what is currently happening in New Zealand.

William Pearce

Reply to Paul Holmes

01.10.2003 07:42

I was really saddened by Mr Holmes remarks about The Secretary of the UN. I found them offensive, and he tries to quantify them by saying it was a slip of the tongue, he must of had a banana skin for breakfast as his tongue slipped quite a few times. But, even with all this and the TV company losing a million dollar sponsor ship he is still employed, he is supported by a lot of white new zealand and according to his boss at Newstalk ZB he is also supported by opposition members of parliament. Considering that only 10 days ago chinese media and internet sites were accusing NZ of being the most racist country in the south pacific, with opposition MPs and support from white supremacist groups as can be ascertained by the two replies you have received, maybe the chinese are right.


Paul holmes should leave N.Z

03.10.2003 02:32

Perhaps Holmes could redeem himself by introducing a new Maori television presenter to co/present the holmes/..... show

The above idea would be even better than getting him to leave the show all together and once paul gets old and dies (like the pope) the young Maori man or woman could present the show!


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Try reading carefully

22.11.2003 08:44

The first comment completely misreads the headline. It doesn't say anywhere there that everyone in New Zealand is racist, but it does seek to hold accountable the atmosphere and people that allow such bigotry to breed. To think that this particular broadcaster's views are an isolated incident are clearly supported by the William Pearce's comment that follows---"the brown economy"??? I'm not familiar with that sociopolitical concept. Is that as opposed to the "white economy"?

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