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Anti-GM e-protest targets Bayer today

james | 24.09.2003 21:21 | Bio-technology | Ecology | Cambridge

Phone, fax and email protest against Cambridge-based Bayer cropscience

As part of the national day of action against Bayer Cropscience today (Thursday 25th Sept), an electronic blockade has been called.

Please phone, fax and email Bayer cropscience as much as possable telling them to pull out of GM crops.

Phone: 01223 870312
Fax: 01223 872142

* Hints *

When phoning, try asking to speak to Martyn Hargreaves, the company secretary.

You can email from the campaign website at

Please don't sign their email address to lots of email lists or anything like that. ;-)

You can fax from the campaign website at
