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Chestnut | 20.09.2003 15:08

millions said no to the attack on iraq
now it's time to say...


Sat 27th Sep 12 noon HYDE PARK, London (Marble Arch tube station)

Organised jointly by:

Stop The War Coalition
Muslim Association of Britain


Telephone numbers: 020 7053 2153/4/5/6

Let's keep the movement alive and remind Bush and Blair that we haven't forgiven them.

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If you're anti-capitalist, anti-authoritarian, pro-direct action

20.09.2003 15:31

Then come on the Libertarian Bloc!

Libertarian Bloc on the Stop the War Coalition’s march against the occupation of Iraq

anti-capitalist :: anti-authoritarian :: direct action

Meet up at 12 noon (sharp!) at Speakers Corner, Hyde Park
(nearest tube - Marble Arch)

Look for the red+black, green+black and black flags!

Bring flags, banners, family & friends...

More info at

Leaflet available at:

...please print out and distribute, and please forward this message to any groups, e-lists and individuals who may be interested!
- Homepage:


20.09.2003 16:55

the libertarian bloc with all its lovely flags will look much sexier than all the stop the war/socialist worker banners stuck together. So will the people holding the flags.
and it will be way more fun, and you wont have some authoritarian stalinist telling you exactly what to shout! BONUS



21.09.2003 10:51

Should be good....but guys...please dont go out on the piss friday night and lie in bed all Saturday with a hangover! If we are agreed to march as a united Libetarian Bloc we really need to get this up and running!


Troops cannot simply be pulled out of Iraq just yet!

21.09.2003 13:11

Troops cannot be simply pulled out of Iraq before peace has been restored to that country. And you have been misled, all the attacks on coalition forces are being carried out by Saddam loyalists and Al Qaeda terrorists. The ordinary Iraqis do not have access to tanks guns and bombs, so stop blaming ordinary Iraqis for the attacks on coalition forces! That is gross insult to the Iraq people who want all the last remnants of Saddam's regime eliminated so that they can feel safe. America and Britain are also pouring billions into the reconstruction of Iraq. Iraq is not under occupation it is in the protective care of the coalition forces until an Iraqi civilian government can be set up to run the country! The UN has been allowed to send in troops to help relieve the burdon on coalition forces as well. Iraq simply cannot be abondoned it needs outside help to both rebuild the country and eliminate all traces of the former Baath regime!


Correct me if I'm wrong but...

21.09.2003 13:17

... I haven't heard of any occurrences of the occupying forces being attacked by tanks.


lets go

21.09.2003 16:50

I prefer the orange flags of the globalise resistance people but of course
they are just a front for others,And those stalinists with the mega phones leading the chants they should be banned I will sing what i want to sing i dont need a guide what next they will have big applause signs on the plat form telling us when to clap(i am positive thats all organised with scripted stalinists in the crowd knowing when to make the crowd clap or why would galloway get such an applause?.
I will be there on satuday proudly doing my own thing In fact i might just go to albert sq and do my own march (why dosnt albert sq have any stop the war posters stuck on the walls every where else i london has them or swampie posts).

harold bishop

they're all stupid except me!

24.09.2003 13:20

You really think people are so dumb they clap on cue? Couldn't possibly be Galloway has earned some respect for defying Blair?


Bash the Bishop!

24.09.2003 16:05

"And those stalinists with the mega phones leading the chants they should be banned."

Whose being "stalinist" now, Shallow Hal?

"they will have big applause signs on the plat form telling us when to clap"

Well they never have before, so I somehow doubt they will start now, you paranoid prannet.

"(i am positive thats all organised with scripted stalinists in the crowd knowing when to make the crowd clap or why would galloway get such an applause?"

More woefully ignorant tin-foil hat nonsense here. "Scripted stalinists?" Who writes the script? Josef's ghost?

Also, Galloway may be orange in hue and fond of the good life, but he took a principled stand against the war and has been shafted by the Labour Party (which he's belonged to all his life) as a result.

He gets applause 'cos he's an excellent speaker and, as the ever-correct kurious points out, has actually EARNT respect, rather than just cricising other people's anti-war efforts.

"In fact i might just go to albert sq and do my own march"

Great idea Harry. A march of one. That'll do it.

People like H. Bishop give autonomy a bad name. Here's to the rebirth of rational anarchism.

Viva Kropotkin!

Madge Ramsit

Stop the War Coalition - continue to be well dodgy - approach with caution

25.09.2003 11:49

The Stop the War Coalition continues to undermine itself through it's secretiveness about it's underlying structure and the roles and purpose of it's leaders. It is in fact a thinly-veiled front organisation for the SWP, an organisation not noted for it's love of democracy, and who's primary role in history appears to be a desire to maximise sales of it's paper. The SWC is headed up by Lindsey German, a central committee member of the SWP and other similar types. Anyone joining the march, or the coalition's activities, I would advise to at least maintain a healthy scepticism when it comes to the activities of this organisation and the public statements of it's leaders. There is a long-term strategy there which is very much an SWP strategy and we "punters" are not going to be told what that is.

Some interesting facts about recent Stop the War activities:

* the SWP were eager (and remain eager) to block "moderate" or "centrist" politicians / figures from speaking on Stop the War platforms - for example, there was a vigorous campaign (and violent fights within the SWC committee) to stop Liberal Democrat leader Charles Kennedy from speaking at the big demo before the war started - the Lib Dems were told nothing of this infighting and eventually the voices of sanity prevailed, but the SWP nearly got there own way, and now have - no more moderate or centrist voices will be allowed on SWC platforms.

* funding for the SWC appears to be very large, not to say lavish at times - there must be at least some doubt about where these funds are coming from, could they be sourced from a foreign power with it's own agenda, such as Saudi Arabia, or wealthy supporters of Palestinian extremists? The leadership of the SWP have long accepted such monies when it suited them, and Lindsey German has close links with Hamas and Hezbollah.

* a recent attempt by socialist jews to speak at the rally on Saturday was firmly quashed by Lindsey German, who wants only "her approved jews" (carefully selected by the SWP central committee" to speak - and bizarely, she insists on it being a certain Rabbi - all this on the Jewish holy day! Closet anti-semitism is alive and well as always in the SWP and it's front organisations. I write by the way as a non-Jew.

* the public are deserting the SWC having seen through it from widespread media reports about it's real purpose and background, the leaders of SWP/SWC maintaining this drift-away through their utter lack of integrity. Keep on splitting!!

Jimmy James
mail e-mail:

hang on a mo!

25.09.2003 12:59

Eh? The SWP are guilty of trying to STOP Charles Kennedy speaking? Previous reports say it was their fault that he DID speak (hence allowing Lib Dems to capitalise on anti-war mood and win Brent East)?

I mean really, at least try to get this week's anti-SWP story right!


ah but

25.09.2003 13:02

Don't dismiss the allegation about secret funding. It's obvious to all right-thinking people that the SWP get secret funding from the Communists in the Kremlin. They should go back to Russia!

Cold Warrior

Um..was the last post meant to be a joke?

25.09.2003 14:22

If so, you need to be funny to tell jokes...

If not, you are woefully igorant about the world you live in. Russia has been a rampantly capitalist nation since the early 1990s and there are NO communists in the Kremlin.

How sad are you people?

I mean, look at this:

"funding for the SWC appears to be very large, not to say lavish at times"

Actually, no. I actually attended the STWC conference in January and saw the coalition's accounts. It had fuck all money after it had blown it all on leaflets and the like.

The accounts also showed that the money had come (unsurprisingly) from fundraising.

Still, never let the facts get in the way of your blind, hateful sectarian smear campaign, eh?

To all sane people: By all means take issue with the policies and tactics of the STWC. But don't fall into the trap of ignorant stereotypes or ultra-leftist (or as now seems to be the case ultra-right) paranoia.

Unite! Unite! For fucks sake we all believe in the same thing! Grow up! Unite!

Oh - and Stop the War!

anti-posturing posers league

Russia link maintained? Not so far fetched...

26.09.2003 09:40

Re: the links between SWP / SWC / John Rees and the Kremlin, I wouldn't be so hasty to reject that aspect - it's well known that the successor organisations in the state security services in Russia have more or less continued with anti-western activities, and Putin, although he is a pragmatist, is very much of that mould. I wouldn't be at all surprised to hear in 30 years time that the Kremlin maintained funding of radical bodies in the west. We know from Gordievsky and others that the SWP and other groups were assisted by the KGB in this way in the postwar period. I also happen to have copies of emails from John Rees who's hidden email circulation list (which I easily extracted - these naive types and their emails!) includes peculiar lists of Russian names on whom I could find no information whatever on the web.

Jimmy James

somepeople have no sense of humour

26.09.2003 09:42

I cant belive people some people took my post as serious ,
Yes you must need a humour bypass to be a leftist down south
If you cant see it as a piss take of the post before it you do need
to seek help.

Harold Bishop