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Party @ new radical social centre tonite!!!

Blackstar Collective | 20.09.2003 12:32 | Free Spaces | London

Check out our new radical social centre at 67, Crawford Road in Camberwell!

Come to our Party: 20th Sept. 2003, 7pm - 2 am, entry £ 2,00 (incl. free vegan food).

Just off Coldharbour Harbour Lane: tube OVAL, buses Camberwell Green: 35, 40, 42 and more (68, 171 from Holborn), train: Loughborough Junction, plenty of night buses

tel: 0790-999-1778

Great way to get involved in a social centre in Camberwell: many great projects running already(incl. Free-Shop, street-drinking project, radical film nights) much more potential if you get involved.

Check out our new radical social centre at 67, Crawford Road in Camberwell!

Come to our Party: 20th Sept. 2003, 7pm - 2 am, entry £ 2,00 (incl. free vegan food).

Just off Coldharbour Harbour Lane: tube OVAL, buses Camberwell Green: 35, 40, 42 and more (68, 171 from Holborn), train: Loughborough Junction, plenty of night buses

tel: 0790-999-1778

See you tonite!

Blackstar Collective


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Have a good one

20.09.2003 12:53

Dam it, I want to come, I am on holiday at the moment in the west country, and am in the Gaia centres internet cafe. Have a good one.



Residential area

20.09.2003 15:36

Crawford Road is a working class residential area. It is surrounded by estates. Many children play in the area. Please respect the local community. Avoid the mistakes of Whitton Timber in Peckham where famillies have been kept up all night, and had their streets soaked in piss and scattered with brew cans.

If you really want to party do it on an industrial estate or in a middle class area.

Local Resident

Respect the area? They have been

20.09.2003 22:44

The centre was set up by some people in the Anarchist Youth Network and several other people.

they are respecting the area, and are helping out with a number of local projects which needed extra help and resources such as providing food for local homeless and temporary shelter and space for a community drugs re-hanilitation service, and more.

I would be very happy to have them in my local area - there's far too many disused properties as it is.


hope you enjoyed it!

21.09.2003 13:30

too bad i just missed your party. i visited last week and it looked really very promising
