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Write to a Muslim-hater (by Latuff)

Latuff | 20.09.2003 06:13

If anti-Semitism is fought worldwide, the same can't be said on anti-Muslim and anti-Arab prejudice.

Hate monger
Hate monger

Dear brothers and sisters-in-arts,

Please, read this message:

Message-ID:<<img src="/img/maillink.gif" border="0"/>
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 15:24:28 EDT
Subject: you are such an ignorant muslim fuck

there is a reason your living in a 3rd world u rediculas ass wipe. get a fuckin clue. get some education and perhaps you may be privelaged enough to move to a real country like the usa. mother fucker

If anti-Semitism is fought worldwide, the same can't be said on anti-Muslim and anti-Arab prejudice.
"You are an ignorant Muslim fuck" is just another example of biased crap sent to me by one of the many blind supporters of United States/Israel murderous policies. Email message had as an attachment one of my cartoons with a far-right-wing Jew about to shout on a megaphone with a plate above it: "In case of increase of world support to Palestine, break the glass and shout anti-Semitism".

If you agree with his statement, just write him with some congratulations. If you don't, send your opinions on anti-Muslim/Arab prejudice and blind nationalism:

Thank you very much!


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Hello censor

21.09.2003 17:07

Why Uk indymedia sensor latuff?



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24.09.2003 00:17

Cause I didn't know why this was hidden either.
