Ministry of Justice giving misleading false statements
Åke Tyvi | 19.09.2003 20:44 | Culture | London
Finland - An academic Representative from Ministry of Justice have given false misleading statement on Finnish Court and Legal System functional capabilities on September 19th 2003. This is very like to be because of the nature(*) of a man, and her academic(*) skills. Unlike her statement claimed, the Finnish Legal System or Ministry is not functional.
Based on small analyze (ISBN 951-98052-2-2) ran on government, Ministry's statement is based on either lies, or false and faked information. This may be result of such missing factors like personal capability to understand relative issues without common sense(**) as well as human behavior pattern generally speaking(**).
Part of academically educated people in Finland are not able to understand, that they are not able to understand something without understanding lacking of understand in general understanding. Thus statements given by these people may be exposed to a clarification on word 'academic'(*).
Statements given by women in a leading government position should not be counted, at least based on research done on warfare, and under circumstances related to ruling(***). Women think differently, and have been proved to be not suitable persons to ran warfare.
Personal and educational matters may prevent these people to think as widely as they would be expected to do, since most Finnish University educated people lack common sense.
Besides, most Finnish women lack in self respect, and these people can not admit their lost.
Finland do not have functional police and legal system.
My apologies on the behalf of some extreme having spoken against her better knowledge. Practice always beast theory, since no theory without practice and practice prima. I am asking You to reverse ever idea Finnish University graduate explained in public mass media. One Soviet Union's intelligence advice was to tell and document everything vice versa.
Åke Tyvi
Adult Engineering Student
(*) Academic adj. ...3. theoretical; not practical, realistic, or directly useful... 4. learned or scholarly but lacking in wordiness, common sense, common sense, or practically. 5. conforming to set rules, standards, or traditions; conventional... (*)
Random House, Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, Gramercy Books, Random House Value Publishing Inc: United States (1996), ISBN 0-517-15141-3.
(**) Wehter's books on war psychology, and his theories on human psyche.
(***)E.g. studies made in UK resulting to sanction women from front line.
Finland - An academic Representative from Ministry of Justice have given false misleading statement on Finnish Court and Legal System functional capabilities on September 19th 2003. This is very like to be because of the nature(*) of a man, and her academic(*) skills. Unlike her statement claimed, the Finnish Legal System or Ministry is not functional.
Based on small analyze (ISBN 951-98052-2-2) ran on government, Ministry's statement is based on either lies, or false and faked information. This may be result of such missing factors like personal capability to understand relative issues without common sense(**) as well as human behavior pattern generally speaking(**).
Part of academically educated people in Finland are not able to understand, that they are not able to understand something without understanding lacking of understand in general understanding. Thus statements given by these people may be exposed to a clarification on word 'academic'(*).
Statements given by women in a leading government position should not be counted, at least based on research done on warfare, and under circumstances related to ruling(***). Women think differently, and have been proved to be not suitable persons to ran warfare.
Personal and educational matters may prevent these people to think as widely as they would be expected to do, since most Finnish University educated people lack common sense.
Besides, most Finnish women lack in self respect, and these people can not admit their lost.
Finland do not have functional police and legal system.
My apologies on the behalf of some extreme having spoken against her better knowledge. Practice always beast theory, since no theory without practice and practice prima. I am asking You to reverse ever idea Finnish University graduate explained in public mass media. One Soviet Union's intelligence advice was to tell and document everything vice versa.
Åke Tyvi
Adult Engineering Student
(*) Academic adj. ...3. theoretical; not practical, realistic, or directly useful... 4. learned or scholarly but lacking in wordiness, common sense, common sense, or practically. 5. conforming to set rules, standards, or traditions; conventional... (*)
Random House, Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, Gramercy Books, Random House Value Publishing Inc: United States (1996), ISBN 0-517-15141-3.
(**) Wehter's books on war psychology, and his theories on human psyche.
(***)E.g. studies made in UK resulting to sanction women from front line.
Åke Tyvi